Part Eleven-Why Can't We Have Normal Exams?

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:
Yuta POV
"Yeah...I don't really wanna watch my sister and my teacher fight about hero sexiness..." I say as I turn off the tv

I just thought that I'd be a nice sibling and watch my sister's interview along with Midnight...

The next day...
"Okay, that's it for class. There's only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds next bodies at the same time. That's all" Mr.Aizawa says as he walks out of class

"Both studying and training have been a major thorn in my free time. I have to actually schedule my day now which sucks" I think (11/20)

Lunch comes and goes and once we're all back in class, Midoriya tells us all something that apparently Kendo told him, Iida, and Uraraka.

"Robots, huh? That's really easy for a U.A final exam..." I think a little bit skeptical about it

Before class starts, I get a message on my phone and quickly check it.

"Oh no, it's from Kendo...Guess there's no better time to start training than now" I think

I open the message and read what she sent.

"Hey, since final exams are around the corner, even though the practical will be just robots, you okay with coming in for training? Scratch that, come in for training. We all know you need it :p" is what the message says

"Why do I put up with her..." I think

Not even bothering to respond, I quickly put my phone away before the next teacher comes in.

Later on after school...
"Wow, Takeyama, you've actually improved quite a bit since last time we trained. I'm impressed" Kendo says as we take a break

"I didn't go to an internship for nothing. I'm just glad I don't get exhausted as quickly anymore, I could do without the actual fighting lessons" I say

"Hey, watch who you're talking to. These "fighting lessons" have been in my family for generations" she glares

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not making fun of it or anything. It's actually pretty impressive how your family can teach stuff like this for generations" I say

"Wow, was that a compliment? You really did get better during your internships, personally and everything" she teases

"Don't push it" I scowl

"Anyways, break time is over, let's get back to it" she says

And so, my week of final exam preparation begins. Though I'm still a bit skeptical that U.A of all schools would use robots for their final exams...

One week later...
"Pencils down, everybody. The last person in each row, collect the answer sheets and bring them here" Mr.Aizawa says as the final written test comes to an end

"Finally! I'm feeling really confident about my score this year round!" Sero says to me

"I'm so tired...All that's left is the practical" I say

"I'm sure that'll be easy! If it's anything like the entrance exam, I'm sure what you and I could do some cool moves!" He says

"You almost crashed into a building during the entrance exams" I say

"We don't talk about that..." he says

And so, the next day, came the fabled practical exam. We all stand in front of the Center Plaza, where all of the teachers have come as well for some reason.

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