Part Thirteen-This Is Why I Don't Like Camping...

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:
Yuta POV
"U.A High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However...Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights-for 'Plus Ultra'!" Mr.Aizawa says

Today is the day that we head to the training camp...Much to my dismay.

"Everyone's is excited, though I don't blame them, I am too. It's not every day that you get to go on a trip like this" Jiro says to me

"I guess. Though I am not looking forward to not being able to clean my hair properly while I'm there. It's gonna be so frizzy" I say

"Is that all you worry about..." she deadpans

As those of us in Class A are talking, suddenly we hear someone start shouting.

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes?! Does that mean you had people who failed the finals?! What? Isn't that weird?! Even though they're supposed to be way better than us in Class B?! How can that be-?!" Some random blonde guy is cut off by Kendo chopping the back of his neck

"What just happened?" I think

"Sorry!" Kendo says as she drags the guy onto the bus

"Guess Class B has some weird people too..." I say

"Is it supposed to be a competition between us...?" Jiro says

"Class A's bus is this way! Line up in seat order!" Iida says

We all board the bus and I get an outside seat next to Shoji. Eventually the bus gets going as the trip to the training camp starts.

"So loud..." I think as everyone loudly talks on the bus

A while into the drive, we stop at the side of a cliff in order to stretch our legs and walk around a little bit.

"Haven't seen an ocean of trees like this in a while. It's almost a bit nostalgic" I think as I look over to railing

"There's no point in stopping without a reason" Mr.Aizawa says to get our attention

Suddenly the black car that's also in the parking area opens and women step out.

"Hey, Eraser!" The red cat woman says

"Long time no see" Mr.Aizawa says

Suddenly, almost like a magical girl intro, the two of them introduced themselves.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" The red woman says

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" The blue woman says

"Wild, Wild...Pussycats!" They both say

"What just happened..." I think stunned by they introduction

"These are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats" Mr.Aizawa explains

"Oh yeah, I've heard of them. They're pretty popular back in my hometown " I think

"They're a four person hero team who set up a joint agency! They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelfth workin-" Midoirya'a fanboying is cut off by the blue Pussycat

"I'm 18 at heart!" She shouts while grabbing Midoirya's whole face

"Yikes...Someone's desperate" I think

"Greet them, everyone" Mr.Aizawa says

"Nice to meet you!" Everyone says

"We own this whole stretch of land here. You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain" Mandalay explains

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