Part Twenty-Zero to Hero

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy today's chapter, as there's a special image in it that I'm excited to show! (:
Yuta POV
"Hahaha! You know what to do by now, intern!" Powerbomb joyfully shouts to me from my hand

"Already on it, sir!" I respond

I aim Powerbomb towards the villain that Taihen is currently distracting, and once I'm perfectly aimed, I throw Powerbomb towards the villain as hard as I can. Powerbomb gets sent shooting into the side of the almost mechanical villain's side as a large burst of energy shoots out from his fists— completely shredding through the villain's armor and knocking him out in the process. With victory obtained, I shrink back down to normal size and start catching up to the two pros.

I then quickly stop for a second to look at myself in the reflection of a window, notching that something is off...

"Gotta fix my hair incase reporters are already ok the scene" I think to myself as I brush my hair with my hands

Once I'm done, I look at myself one more time and give myself a proud nod.

(Official Yuta art!! I commissioned the lovely theartofgaf on Instagram once again, go check them out if you like what you see. I think that it came out fantastic! Let me know what you all think!)

"Lookin' good, Yuta! Let's keep it up!" I internally hype myself up as I continue rushing over to Powerbomb and Taihen

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Lookin' good, Yuta! Let's keep it up!" I internally hype myself up as I continue rushing over to Powerbomb and Taihen

"Good work, intern! You're getting better by the day!" Powerbomb praises me as Taihen properly restrains the villain

"I would hope so, I'm really putting in the effort this time" I respond

"It shows! You're not on my level yet, but you're even bulking up a bit! You've finally got some real muscle on your bones!" He points out

"Months of (forced) hard work is finally paying off" I say

"Intern" Taihen calls out to me

"Yes?" I respond as I look over to him

"Good work" is all he says before turning back to the villain and handing him over to the cops

I smile at his approval for a moment before following the hero duo back out onto the streets once we're good to go. As usual, Taihen scouts ahead of Powerbomb and I as the two of us patrol on foot.

"Hey uh, Powerbomb, sir. I've got a question" I say

"Yes?" He responds

"This is gonna sound weird coming from me, but do you think maybe I could be even more involved in taking down villains? I-I get that I'm still just a student, but I assure you that I'm ready" I request to him

"Oh? That does surprise me a bit, last time you were with us you insisted on playing more of a supporting role whenever possible. Why change your mind now?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow

A Hero for the Fame| A MHA OC StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat