Part Fifteen-Bravery Is A Talent

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! (:
Yuta POV
It's been about 3 days since the attack...I've been stuck in the hospital with multiple cracked ribs, cuts and scratches all over my body, thankfully the claw mark on my face won't leave a scar, but I can't say the same about my legs. The deep claw marks and bite marks really had an impact on them. The doctor says that they should work perfectly fine with a bit of rest and patience, but now they're are 3 major scar marks.

"At least everyone is alive...Well, I can only hope that Bakugo is still alive" I think

The police told me about what happened to Bakugo after I regained consciousness. And well...I've had a lot of alone time to think about it.

"If only...if only I could have helped. At least I managed to save Jiro, though from what I've been told, she's still passed out" I think

Suddenly there's a knock on my door and the doctor comes in.

"How're you feeling? Any lingering pain anywhere?" He asks

"Not currently, no. Honestly, I just wanna go home" I say

"Well good news, you should be able to be released tonight. So long as we don't find anything else wrong with you" he says

Afterwards he quickly runs some tests on me and after drawing some of my blood, he leaves the room where I'm left alone with my thoughts again.

"Ugh...This is all so confusing. What would the League want Bakugo in the first place? As a hostage? Well they picked the wrong guy for that, if they wanted a hostage they shouldn't have picked the guy who won the sports festival" I say to myself

The day slowly drags by until I'm surprised by a visit from Kirishima, Todoroki, and Sero. Though I do notice that theres some tension between them.

"Yo, Takeyama. How're ya feeling?" Sero asks

"Alright, I guess. Hopefully I can be released pretty soon tonight. I just wanna go home..." I say

I see both Todoroki and Kirishima look at each other for a moment before getting closer to my bed.

"Takeyama...we told everyone else who's awake this, and we'll tell you too. Todoroki and I plan to go after Bakugo" Kirishima says

It takes a moment for me to process what he said...

"Are you two idiots?" I ask

"I told you that he'd say something like that" Sero says

"I could maybe expect something like this from Kirishima, but you, Todoroki?" I say

"We can't just sit by while our classmate is in danger" Todoroki says

"We even asked Yaoyorozu for one of her trackers! She managed to plant a tracking device on a Nomu that was at the camp, so we have a chance!" Kirishima says

"This isn't about it you have a chance or not! It's about if you should or not! And this is something that you shouldn't do and leave up to the actual pro heroes!" I shout

"Who knows what could be happening to Bakugo right now! Don't you want to be able to save him from whatever is happening?!" Kirishima asks

"Guys we should really quiet down-" I cut Sero off

"Of course I do! You think I want Bakugo to be kidnapped right now?! Of course I want him to be safe! But I know that if I were to go out there and try to save him, I'd only get in the way!" I shout now starting to get a bit upset

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