Part Nineteen-Three Big Weirdos

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Hello everyone! Before we get started, I want to let you all know that I've got something in the works for good old Yuta! I wonder what it could be...? Cough cough (Official artwork) cough cough.

With that short message out of the way, let's get on with the chapter!!
Yuta POV
"Listen up, everyone! Stay in line and move promptly to the grounds!" I hear Iida shout further up the line

"Ugh...I hate assemblies. They're such a bore, ever heard of email? It's just as efficient...for the people who read their email that is" I think as I trudge along with the rest of the class, towards the back of course as to avoid Sero and possibly Kendo

I'm sure this has something to do with how apparently Midoriya and Bakugo got into an actual fight last night. And you know, props to Midoriya for fighting Bakugo, I know first hand how tough he is so I'll give him this one.

"He probably did much better then me against him though..." I suddenly think

Stopping my thoughts there, I shake my head a bit and try to push any doubts or bad thoughts into the back of my mind. I don't have time to start doubting myself again, I'm serious about trying to prove myself to Sero, Kendo, my sister, everyone else...and me.

"Hey! It's the small mammal you all love, the principal!" Principal Nezu exclaims once all the students have gathered up, "Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality...It's hard for me to take care of it" He says

"I feel you there"I think as I fix my bangs a bit

"This is something you can say about humans, too. Even if you have a balanced diet with zinc and vitamins, the most important thing has to be sleep. Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst for your fur. So if you're trying to improve your hair quality, you should make sure to get enough sleep!" He tells us

"I appreciate the beauty tips that I already know, but can you just get to the point already? My hair is already as healthy as it can be when people aren't spraying it with acid " I think with a slight angry glance over to Ashido

"The cause of the disturbance in lifestyle is incidents from this summer vacation I'm sure you all already know about...The loss of a pillar" He somberly says

Even just slightly mentioning everything that happened this summer is enough to make me feel sick...

"The effects of that incident have appeared faster than I could have imagined. There will probably be great chaos in society in the near future. In particular, this will be the most apparent to those of you in the hero course" he says

"I...I can't afford to fool around anymore, no matter how scared I am" I nervously think as I look down at my slightly shaky, clammy, hands

"You must approach activities outside of school, like the hero work studies that mainly second and third years participate in, with a greater sense of caution. The air always feels heavy when we talk about gloomy things like this, huh? The adults are working hard to do something about that heaviness. We'd like you all to learn that hard work from them and develop into capable individuals" He says

"Sis...I wonder how you've been doing out there nowadays" I think, making a mental note to actually visit her sometime soon

"All of you in the business course, general studies, support course, and hero course—I don't want you all to forget that you're all successors to this society" Nezu finishes up

After Hound Dog gives an...interesting statement about Midoriya and Bakugo's fight last night, we're all sent back to our classrooms to continue on with the school day.

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