"same its never good when one is sent"

Hammond: why do I have to get wet again!

Cleveland: sorry we speed.

enty: speed is always is of  the essence

Cleveland: exactly enterprise

after a few seconds

Cleveland: enterprise when did you get here your not even repaired yet!

enty: I'm fine

" if you don't mind if I inspect your riggings?"

enty: I don't see why not

"alright then"

piorun places a hand on enty shoulder and begins concentrating on her power searching for broken parts and fractured metal

"you are not fine by any definition of the word"

enty: what do you mean?

"let's see your steam turbines one is only working at half capacity from damage while the other 3 are working 33% higher than they should all your aircraft elevators are shot your steam catapults are unusable and your damn hull is barely floating the only thing keeping you up here is the fact you bilge pumps work!"

Belfast: miss enterprise you are risking your life even being out here

"You can say that again"

Cleveland: I don't know much about aircraft carriers can you tell me what that means other than the bilge pumps and engines?

"it means enterprise here can't launch her planes which she could barely do any way because of the weather"

cleveland: making her only viable option for fighting is

"hand to hand, enterprise you need to return to base now"

enty: no people need saving

"enterprise you need to watch yourself before you kill yourself"

belfast: at least think before this you need to stop fighting like this and remember why you fight

*shit I know I shouldn't play dirty but she's too stubborn to back down, she's kinda forced my hand*

"enterprise if your not listen to us at least think about your sisters and how they would feel if you died"

hearing this enterprise balks and stairs at piorun considering what she said

enty: fine ill go back

Belfast: even though that was effective it was a little dirty

"I know how about you head back as well, keep an eye on her"

Belfast: understandable after that low blow you dealt to her psych

Cleveland: did not see that coming and were nearing the signal

"whats with all the black ships?"

Hammond: sirens

"i only heard about them in passing what are they?"

Cleveland: aliens that want to kill humans

"works for me"

cleveland: lets head in

hammond: good all of these ships seem killed

"no there's one sitting dorment"

cleveland: how can you tell?

"the ship is giving off signals that I can sense more exsacly its electrics are still active"

cleveland: then we need to find the quick

entering a clearing we see a small ship sitting in the water

cleveland: that's them let me talk to them and look for the ship


as piorun looks around she sees a 5 inch gun aim at her and fire a plasma bolt at her she swiftly doges and returns fire the red lights cut out for a final time

Cleveland returns with two small girls in tow carrying one

cleveland: found it?

"yea random question you guys ever taken one apart?"

Cleveland: no we have no idea how they work

"so if we bring it back it would be good research at defeating the sirens?"

Cleveland: i suppose so

"i have a idea then"

piorun jumps on top of the siren vessel and quickly clears a path ahead of it big enough to let the ship pass through With electricity arcing around her she sends an electrical surge through it wiping hard dives on board holding mission objectives the ship lights kick on in an azur blue the engines start to turn over and head out of the clearing slowly

"guys hop on we got a ship to steal"

end of chapter

and meme

and meme

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