Scar's POV (sorry there short just want y'all to know what Scar was doing)

I was sad I had to leave Grian but Doc texted me and told me that he needed me for something, so I went back to my dorm to get my suit on and put my elytra on to fly out my window towards the HQ.

But right when I saw the HQ I of course see Watcher just floating in the air above out headquarters, I was surprised that anyone else was awake at this time but I kind of wanted to scare him. Wait no! He said he'll punch my teeth out, or was he being sarcastic?

I want to anyway! I go close to the ground and get right under him and fly up

"BOOOOOO!" I yelled actually grabbing his waist, his wings slapped me but I pulled him closer so he can"t. "Get off!" He said blushing, my face is on his neck, "why are you above my headquarters and I'll let you g-" I get cut off from him punching me in my nose.

Blood running down my nose, "wtf! I told you not to do that, and that's what you get!" Watcher said turning to me. "I didn't think you would actually punch me!" I said looking at him, he gave me a face that read, 'really' because he even knows that's stupid.

"I've punched you before and you didn't think i'd do it again?" He said putting his hands on his sides, "I mean- never mind.." I say back covering my nose with my suit sleeve.

"And why are you even awake?" He said curiously, "my dad- um I mean Doc needed me for a villain t-they found." I said sniffling and trying to get the blood to stop. "Okay..? I guess, but snick up on me again and I'll punch somewhere else." He said with a smirk, "you wouldn't!" I say back, "try me~" he said flying a little closer to me.

I back away but he then moves closer, "what are you d-doing..?" I said blushing a little, "oh nothing just trying to see something~" he said still slowly getting closer. 

I run into a tree behind me and Watcher is still moving closer to me, "flustered again I see~" he said cupping my chin with his hand, "ummm.. c-could you stop..." I said trying to look away but his other hand made me keep looking at him.

"Na, it's funny seeing the number one hero blushing for the number one villain~" he said softly I think with blush on his face too, "well you're b-blushing too!" I say back closing my eyes hard.

He then let go and flew up and away, "bye Hotguy!" He said laughing, what just happen.. I can't be falling for him.. I thought trying to think of something else.

"Scar~" I hear a voice that sounded like Grian's, I start to blush because I realize I was thinking of him, "hey scar!" I hear him say happily.

I just kept thinking of him forgetting about Doc and everything else. "Scar!!" I hear another one say, "s-scar.." then another that sounded sad, "S-Scar!" I then heard another one say that sounded like he was crying my name.

 I stop thinking about him because I didn't want to hear my winged friend hurt, then hear a ding from my communicator.

Uh oh! I thought, I then remembered that Doc texted me.


<Dad/Doc> Hotguy! Where are you!?

<Scar> So sorry dad! I got distracted 

<Dad/Doc> Well hurry up! I got a location of xxxxx(villain name)

<Scar> Be right there!

<Dad/Doc> You better be

<Scar> Outside the HQ

<Dad/Doc> Good


I got inside and Doc told me everything I needed to know, I flew out went to the location and got him.

"Got you now." I say cuffing him up and calling to police, "f_(# you!" The villain says. The police get her and take him to jail, "well that was much easier than I thought, what to do now?" I ask myself.

I fly up and find a place I wanted to eat, well whoever was open at 4:10 a.m. 

It's been about two hours since I last saw Grian.. I then looked around and saw a stores lights on, there usually not opened at this time.. I thought as I flew down.


He was looking around the store with a grocery basket in his hand.

Grian's POV 

"I need some seeds, now where on earth are they?!" I ask out loud because I'm the only one here, I go to the ail of the store to see if I could find some. "There you are, you can't hide from me!" I say, "now where is the pizz-" I get cut off from a loud noise, "who's there!?" I yell out.

"Ummm.. you heard nothing!" I hear which I thought was Scar, I walk over to see if it was but it was Hotguy standing right in front of a pile of glass bottles not broken but on the floor.

"How in the world did you not see those bottles!? The lights are literally on!" I said to him, "well why in the world are you robbing from a store!?" He said back, "I'm not! I was um g-going to leave money on the counter." I lied.

He didn't believe me though, "sure then show me your money." He said, I panicked because I didn't have any, "Well?" He said walking over to me, "fine. You got me I don't have any!" I said angrily, "knew it" he said taking my stuff and walking over to put it all back.

"That took a while to get all that ya know.." I said angrily again, "well don't steal and you can have it back." He said putting my cokes in the freezer.

"Can I at least f_(#ing have my seeds?"I ask hoping he'd say yes, "nope you have to pay for everything." He said walking over to put something else up that I forgot I got, "that's not fai-" I get cut off, "life isn't fair" he said which he sounded sad.

"You can say that again.." I said back kind of hoping he didn't hear me, "why..?" He said turning to me, "nothing for your concern.." I said back walking out the store to get away from him because I was to cry, I was thinking of what Jackson did to me and tried to stop but couldn't.

Don't cry.. I thought but then felt a little tear traveling down my face


Hey pups! New record for my longest chapter! Hope y'all liked it and hope y'all are having a great day! Thank y'all so much for reading and love y'all!

Bye pups! 1673 words!

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