Chapter One Hundred & Four: Arrivals in France

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The loss of her title, the one that had belonged to her parents was something that would have hurt; the last connect to them stolen from her because she refused to be the mistress of a King. 

"You must send our congratulations to King Henry for we hear that the Duchess of Florence is with child again," Francis stated smiling, the news that the Duke and Duchess of Florence were expecting their third child was a most welcome one. 

Their time in Florence had been spent rebuilding the city to it's former glory, after years of Medici ruler being tarnished by those who ruled the city that they had stolen. 

Lucrezia and Giuliano were fine heirs to the Medici throne, Lucrezia was betrothed to the grandson of Pope Paul and there was no doubt that her brother would also make a good match one day.


Staring up at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Eleanor of Austria took a deep breath as she recalled the four years that she had been Queen Consort of France; she never thought she'd be back on French soil again after she had been sent back to Spain. 

A lump formed in her throat as she thought about how she had returned to Spain with her head held high, she had never thought that her own brother would lock her away. 

Her life had been blessed since she had married Frederick, she had birthed their daughter in May and she adored her so much; it was so very different from when she had birthed Maria. 

Joanna had been named for her dearly departed mother, she would tell her daughter stories of the brave Queen that had been locked away by men and had done her best for her country before she died. 

"Madre," Maria of Portugal called softly, smoothing out her dress as she approached Eleanor, her eyes taking in the place where she would be married in a month's time. 

It still felt rather unreal that she was here to be married, the negotiations had been long winded and her elder brother had reassured her that all would be well; he had been determined to see her marry well. 

The opportunity to become Queen of France was one that had been dangled before her, a position that had been once held by her mother and now would one day belong to her; she had heard that the Dauphin was a good man. 

One that had treated her mother with great respect, surely he would treat her the same compared to what she had heard the King had treated her mother when she was his Queen. 

"My dearest Maria, you look so beautiful," Eleanor greeted moving to take her daughter's hand, it had been so long since she had seen her last; it was hard to believe that her daughter was getting married. 

It only felt like yesterday that she had been born, her birth had come only months before her father had left this world; she was the last of King Manuel's children to be born. 

"Thank you Madre," Maria replied simply, her eyes focusing on the gathering that had come to greet the arrival of the Portuguese Princess; she tried to spot the man that would be her husband. 

Taking a deep breath, Maria made her way towards the crowds that had gathered to met her; she refused to show any fear as she made her approach with her entourage behind her. 

Once they reached the front of the crowd, a man stepped forward and bowed to Maria, a sweet smile upon his face that made Maria pause; he was a rather handsome man that looked a few years older than herself. 


"Welcome to France, Your Royal Highness," Francis, Duke of Brittany greeted before he straightened out and looked upon his bride to be; she was a couple of years his junior, but it was high time that he was wed. 

His younger brother had been married for two years now, something that still caused quite a bit of gossip since there was still no sign that Catherine was pregnant even now. 

Maria blinked taking in the handsome young man, his marriage portrait had certainly done him justice and she had to admit that she had wondered if the artist had embellished the painting but he clearly had not. 

"It is an honour to be here," Maria replied softly, very aware that there was an audience watching them; people trying to see if there was any kind of tension or dislike between the royals before they were wed. 

There would many that would wish downfall upon Maria because she was the niece of the late Emperor, who had been a great enemy to France; he was the reason that Eleanor had been treated so poorly here. 

Francis offered his hand out to Maria, his smile making her feel all warm inside; she slowly reached out and took his hand, allowing him to press a kiss to the top of it. 

Linking arms, the couple made their way up the steps of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and made their way inside; the warm summer sun shining down upon them making the arrival of the future Dauphine all the more special. 

Eleanor followed behind them, hoping that this wasn't a big mistake; she had been invited afterall but she wasn't eager to see her former husband and his new wife. 

There had been no love lost when her marriage to Francis had been annulled, the two could barely stand to be in the same room as one another; there had been no tears shed in sadness about what had happened. 

It was just a relief that Francis had never shared her bed, there were no children caught in the middle of this; they had been able to part easily and Eleanor could not imagine what her time at the French court would hold. 

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