- 03 ❞

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ITS BEEN almost a month since y/n met the group, she's always hanging out with them, always coming with them to their concerts, even though y/n knew that they were a famous band she didn't treat them differently, some of the fans are jealous of her being friends with the kaulitz, and being so close to tom but she didn't give a single shits to them, y/n was still lying down to her bed when her brother barged in to her room, making her woke up a bit, "get the fuck out of my room, can't you see that im sleeping."she said, with a sleepy voice,"i don't care, get up."her brother said, pulling y/n out of her bed, making her fall, causing her to let out a groan,"ow, i think you fucking broke my ankle."

"thats what you get for drinking all night, and stop being over dramatic."he said, making her sister mumble a 'bitch'.

"hurry up, the food is waiting, and go get a shower you fucking stinks."her brother said, after going out of her room.

she's with the kaulitz all night, celebrating their first award, she drank six beers on the table last night with full confidence, but ended up vomiting it, tom brought her home last night, and her mother thank him for taking her naughty daughter home.

"my head hurts like hell."she said looking at the bathrooms mirror, questioning herself on how did she get home when she's drunk last night.

walking downstairs, she saw her mom washing the dishes and her brother watching the television, what she saw on the tv was the boy's being awarded, she can't help but to smile.

"oh ms. sleepyhead is awake!"her mother exclaimed, scolding her for what happened last night that tom needed to take her home cause she's so drunk, "mom stop yelling your making my ears bleed."she said holding her ears with her hands, then a knock was heard from the door, making her mother to open it revealing their so called father, y/n is still surprised to why he kept coming back from here, like isn't he embarrass.

she watch as her mom kiss him to the cheeks and her brother side hugging his father, her just looking at them, not wanting to greet her 'father', she tsk before going upstairs, to her room.

"itll take some time don't worry.."thats what she all heard from her mother before going to her room.

¡! ❞

she decided to go meet the group since she don't have anything else to do, and she don't want to see her father, she knocks Infront of the kaulitz door waiting for them to open it and to let her in, it take a seconds when they finally open it, surprisingly she expected that tom or bill will open it but they don't, georg did with a 'kaffee' on his hands, she greeted him by saying hi and patting his back, "wheres the others?"she asked, which he points to the couch where gustav was lying on, "tom and bill are upstairs."he said, she thank him before going upstairs to wake bill and tom up.

she first knocks on bills's door, giving him a tight hug, before knocking on toms door,"who's that?!"

"are you gonna open it or what?"she said, he recognized it to be y/ns voice, he hurriedly stands up to his bed putting some clothes on before opening the door, "hey."he said, yawning.


"whos that?" a girly voice said behind him, peeking to see who it was, it was a girl lying on his bed, she rolled her eyes shes used to it, but still can't help the pang on his heart whenever he sees him with another girl, but shes ignoring it even though it's bothering her, closing the door behind him they walk downstairs to meet the others.

"thanks for taking me home last night." she said, making him smile, to the fact that she knows that he's the one who brought her home,"alright."

she congratulated them again for their first award, she's really proud of them, the band sometimes force her to join them, since she already know how to play an e- guitar, drums, piano, actually she could play almost anything,and she even know how to sing, but she refused.

why? because she hate paparazzi's.

spending time with the band is the best, theyre the tokio hotel after all.

spending time with the band is the best, theyre the tokio hotel after all

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sup, yall chapter 3 done, and i might write chapter 4 later :)

i edited the three beers to six now stfu💞💞

𝗕𝗥𝗢𝗢𝗞𝗟𝗬𝗡 𝗕𝗔𝗕𝗬 . tom kWhere stories live. Discover now