Dancing With The Devil

Start from the beginning

"Open cell D-18." She called on her speaker. The cringe of metal sliding open meeting her eyes. Looking at the newest article she noticed his attention on the cell next to him. She pursed her lips at the familiarity between him and Inmate Jones. Something she might have to watch, she didnt need a fight anytime soon.

"This is your cell." She spoke gaining his attention. He brushed past her going into the cell. Looking around the space noticing there was no extra bunk.

"You're listed as aggressive." She voiced reading his curiosity. The smile he flashed was sinister confirming what was documented.

"Close cell D-18." She voiced ready to get on with her duties.

"Get settled. Dinner in 20." She stated, he simply stared at her not saying a word.

"Miss Hallowayyyyyyyy." Came sung from the next cell. She held down a smile giving a hard eyeroll instead.

"What can I do for you Jones?" She asked walking the few steps to his cell.

"Missed you this morning. Bertha's bitch ass molesting me again." He laughed, she shook her head at him. Molesting was not at all what the two got into.

"Is that all?"

"Naw, when's commissary opening back up?" He questioned.

"Thursday." She answered.

"Damn man."

"Coffee?" She knowingly asked, he nodded.

"I'll get you a 10 pack." She offered.

"Why thank you. Feel free to molest me in payment." He teased a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Answer is still no Jone's. Itll be in your cell when you come back from dinner. Watch yourself." She muttered, giving a quick nod at the cell over. Jones grinned a chuckle leaving him.

"Will do."

She had misread the two. She didn't know it at the time though. She had no clue what was in motion. That this had already been planned from beginning to end. It seemed like the whole prison got put on notice. Never had the mess hall gotten quiet, but when Lucious walked in it was. All eyes on him as six followed behind him. CO's shared confused and defensive looks. Watching the scene unfold. Those waiting in line backed up letting him cut in line with his posse. Not a weird move until he sat down at a nearly empty table, those sitting there clearing out quickly.

"What the hell I just watch?"

"Some hot shit, I need his info."

Loretha rolled her eyes at her coworkers. Counting down their approach. Ready to toss questions her way. She answered a few but they knew they wouldn't get much from her. They'd have to dig up his file themselves. Hell reading it she had been shocked. Apparently he was notorious, known as Boss. Something generic she expected something more from what he was described as.

He was in cahoots with some type of drug and gun trafficking. No one knew if he was the leader or not up until now. He was a ghost before his unexpected capture. He was considered highly dangerous and aggressive. His cell was to be checked at random twice a day. He was to be watched. His charges were petty considering what he was supposedly linked to. He was here on drug charges serving a year sentence. To make matters more suspicious he turned hiself in. Walked right into a police station unarmed.

After dinner inmates were free to roam. They had two hours to shower or do some last minute things before curfew. Heading to front desk she grabbed the commissary keys. Heading inside the station she grabbed the coffee, and a few bags of chips. Listing herself to be charged for these items. She locked up heading to her cell block. Setting the items on Jones bed, she decided to do a inspection of Lucious's room. All Cell doors opened thankfully, she entered looking around. Nothing out of place or hidden.

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