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It was dark and lonely she thought.And it was scary too.It was probably because of the stories that had been making waves in the village for the past few weeks.She had grown up in vexinlin,a mysterious village which was known for its dark withcraft and sorcery.The oil in her lamp must have been exhaused the previous night and the once bright light dimmed at the impending darkness.

Children had died mysteriously,the men had gone but never came back while the women had painful boils on their body.It was an awful experience and the reverend had always said that he had kept the trails and tribulations of the villagers in mind.He said he ways prayed for them.The villagers in turn,hoped his prayers were answered.

It was a curse.Some whispers had said.The land was cursed.The village was cursed.And it was because of the recent burning of an innocent young woman,who was accussed of witchcraft.She was curious,animated and smart.She had a gift,a gift of seeing the future.The nobles of the village had discovered of her gift of seeing the future.They were jealous some said.But they didnt stop until her lifeless,burnt,charred up body was left hanging on a stake,not after screaming for her life in an endless burning fire.

She was not a witch the whispers said again.But who would defend her.She was an orphan and had no family of her own.She grew up in vexinlin as an outcast and saw the village as her home,only to be betrayed to her death by the people she held so dearly.The hootling owls came days later not ending their loud sounds.Then the children began to fall sick,a strange illness of some sort,and soon,their temperature increased,accompanied with deep sleep and soon thwy gave up the ghost.

It was a plague everyone had concluded.For a while the burning of witches stopped,and everyone ran to every doctor to the other in order to find a solution to their problem.The men who had volunteered to go to the forest to fetch some herbs weren't pardoned either.They had never came back but some reports leaked back into the village they they had been mauled by some bears and had met their horrible death.

The well was strangely polluted and more strangely enough,it was only the women who bore the brunt of the infected water.Painful boils appeared all over their body and they cried for help in their native tongue with pain and angony.

She walked faster as the dark thoughts ran through her empty mind.She zoomed past the dark forest where the young men of vexilin had met their death.She was lucky you would say,but she wasn't.She had gotten to the village gate and had seen the watchmen high up above at the top of the mighty fence.She whispered some incoherent words in her mouth and happily watched thd watchmen fall into a deep sleep.

Vexilin would be captured by a stronger kingdom in a matter of hours due to the carelessness of the watchmen some would say.They were facing the concequences of burning her.They were going to face the same fire and death that would descend on them whist asleep.It was a wonderful revenge.And a wonderful pay back for her burnt sisters too.

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