Forever a bully

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Forever a bully

I was a bully,yes a very wicked one.Sometimes when coming to school,I would place my foot in front of unaware approaching children and watch with delight how they would cry with dirty mud stained uniforms to their classes.Some other times I would tear off the pages of the books the children must have carefully written their assignment and watch them cry after receiving several strokes of the cane for not attempting to write their assignment by their teacher.
Even when the school was closed for the day,I would wait for the rich kids to buy different flavours of Icecream on their way home and place an unseen foot in their way making them trip and fall smearing the ice cream on the dirty floor.While I would watch in sheer amusement as they cried their way home.Whenever the school was empty,I would take markers from the little children in my school and write derogatory remarks on the person I was currently bullying.Is it on the chair?wall?board?the corridor to the school toilet?name it.
I always bullied the children attending my school for as long as I remembered.I had been expelled fourteen times.And it got to a time that every term I was withdrawn from every school I attended until I got lucky to get admission into one of my favorite schools.There were a lot of rich kids there and they often bribed me with money and snacks in order not to bully them.I misbehaved as long as I wanted because my dad was extremely rich and the owner of the school had been owing my dad a very large amount of money.So I was like a sacred cow.I could be punished by the teachers but I could not be expelled.So I grabbed the opportunity and used it to my advantage.
And truth be told,the more I was punished,the more I enjoyed it,and the more I wrecked havoc in that school.I became a nuisance that Even the bad children in the school didn't want to be friends with me.
I never wanted to leave the school except on my own accord and being given that privilege was like a miracle to me.I knew that other schools wouldn't hesitate to expell me when they notice my bad behavior so,I continued basking in my assumed power, skipping classes, repeating classes and having low grades.Till I became the oldest student in the school while my mates we're already in their last year's in highschool.I was a bully and still a bully.
My popularity was so much even to the extent that before some parents could even enroll their children in the school they changed their minds because of the awful stories they heard about me.The school authorities and the teachers who always meted out punishments to me are now afraid of me.
Even to the extent that when the closing bell rings, everyone leaves the school premises until there is no entire soul left in the entire school because I am always up to no good.
Why? because I am the ghost of. A thirteen years old boy who lost his life in a road accident during one of his mischievous escapades.And up to five years I have kept to my promise of not leaving my favorite school,and putting fear in the mind of anyone going to that school.I was a bully,and I will remain a bully.

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