Room 666

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Room 666
Kayla loved summer holidays.She was a spendthrift an a fashionista.Her parents were extremely rich although her mom was late,she had most of the income from her mother's investments going into her account and her dad was extremely generous.Spending weeks at first class hotels,with daily expensive dishes wasn't a problem.Her liver,Ralph had promised to sponsor her bills throughout the Holiday she was going to spend with him, and she lived him for that.
The fact that he was a notorious kin pin in the drug dealing industry didn't bother her.She only cared about the vacation trips and the heavy shopping,the expensive restaurant,and nice massages in luxurious spa salons.The holiday was just for the two of them,alone and free from the prying maids that never seemed to mind their business.
He picked her up at 10:30 in the morning with all her luggages packed.The mansion was literally empty,since her mom was late,her dad was always travelling or with his mistress.Her only sibling which was her immediate elder sister,had married but regularly visited.Apart from that,Kayla was the only person in the large mansion with the multitude of maids running about.They drove off to one of the most expensive first class hotels at an alarming speed.
They went to the counter where they were met with a strange possibility.
"Sorry sir,this room is the only room left"
Ralph wasn't superstitious but he didn't want to invite trouble upon himself.He knew about the number 666 bringing misfortune and problems to the people associated with it.And room 666 was the only room left in that hotel that had up to a thousand rooms.
"Comm'n Ralph, don't tell me you're scared of just a number.It just a room."Kayla had said rolling her eyes.She never believed in those devil's number stuff.She needed to have a nice room sooner.
Ralph shrugged he was probably making a mountain out of a molehill.Afterall,like what Kayla said,it was just a number, and just a room.He took the keys and was about to leave the lobby when he stumbled unto one of his closest friend in highschool.
"Hey Chris,what're you doing here?"he had asked surprised.
"Just came for the summer holidays with my wife"he replied staring at the model standing by Ralph.
"Is that your wife,I presume?"he asked with a smile.
"My girlfriend,though I haven't slipped the ring on"Ralph grinned.
"Then what are you waiting for boy,"
They all joked with each other and laughed.They were introduced to each other properly as they all acknowledged themselves.
Chris's wife was a heavily pregnant nurse on leave due to her condition.Chris was a lawyer,Well Ralph and Kayla,you already know their background.
"So what room are you in ?"Chris asked.
"666, although I didn't want to take it, doesn't matter"
"Lucky us then,we just came and it was room 439 and room 666 that was left but we took the latter"Chris joked.
They all discussed as they went to their respective rooms.Chris and Julia,his wife went to theirs while Ralph and Kayla went to theirs.They eventually discovered that their rooms were close that Ralph and Kayla's room we're literally above Chris and Julia's.The two men went out to cover up lost years while the two women paired up and later decided to go shopping later that afternoon and the men found no problem with it.
Kayla had offered to drive while Julia had sat at the passenger seat.Julia was grateful.She had finally found an holiday friend she could share her feelings with.
"So what's your plan for the holiday?"Julia squealed out of control.Her six month baby had just kicked and she jolted whenever he did that.She was expecting a boy.
"Shopping, having fun with you, taking nice pics and the rest"Julia had replied with the breeze blowing the hair off her face.
"Sounds exiting"Julia said rubbing her tummy.
That had drawn Kayla's attention to the unborn child.
"How gone?"
"Six months,a boy"
"Congrats,So how's it going"
"Going fine"Julia sighed.
"Except he kicks all the time"Julia continued.
They conversed as they drove to the shopping mall where they bought some nice clothes.
They drove back late afternoon and they both went their separate ways promising each other that they would have more fun during the next day.
"How's my baby doing?"Chris had said immediately Julia entered their room.
"Fine,how was your day?"she had replied dropping the bags of clothes she had bought.
"Cool,went to swim with Ralph,Watched a movie at a cinema downtown and we're planning on playing poker tonight"he grinned.
"Nice job!"She commended while preparing to have a shower.But a sharp pang of pain that shot in her pelvic region could not allow her.
She held her large belly in shock.Chris rapidly ran to her aid.
"Sorry babe, you're just stressed from the shopping.I wouldn't have allowed you to do it"he said assuringly.
"I just wanted to shop today, May be am just over stressed"she had sighed as the pain had disappeared as soon as it had came.
"Anyways am ok now"she had said.
"I'll tell Ralph that Kayla will need to come over at your place tonight since we're playing poker.I don't want you to be alone.You are heavy and you need to rest always"
"Ok babe,"she had replied obediently as she pecked him on her way to the shower.
Kayla was literally bored after the shopping.Ralph had cuddled her for some minutes before getting lost in his world of video games.Kayla saw some book she had just stuffed in her bag during her packing.She curled on the sofa and got lost in her world of fairy tale.
It was midnoon when she had heard a glass breaking at the bedroom.She was alone now as she remembered vividly when Ralph had mumbled that he was going to have some air.
She dropped her book and she stealthily walked to the bedroom with her toes as flat as a napkin on the floor.She saw the broken glass with red wine in it now poured on the floor.It was the wine she and Ralph had been drinking an hour ago when they had lovingly cuddled on the bed.
She called the room service to clean it up and she soon continued her reading.She was getting hungry and soon began to worry for Ralph,but he had entered the room with a serious frown on his face.
"Sweetie,sorry for taking long..."
"It's okay,so what's our plan for dinner?Am getting starved already"Kayla had grinned.
"What's your plan?"he had corrected.
"The poker game remember?"
"Oh...I forgot.Some chicken and chips with another wine,the one we drank this afternoon fell on the floor"she said.
"Hope it didn't hurt you?"he said giving the order to the room service standing behind him.
"It didn't,I was still reading my book when I heard the glass broke"she had explained.
"Lucky you,I think you should go over to julia's, she's heavy and she needs you over to spend time with her.Your dinner would be at her room"he had said leaving the room after changing his clothes.
"No hugs?"she had requested as he had almost left her without it.
And they hugged, while Kayla got dressed for dinner as she went to julia's.

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