Who's next

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Who's next
I ran as fast as I could from the Halloween party as I looked behind me as every second seemed to fly past.My parents had left the three of us;me, Katrina,and jason for a weekend as they had to travel to our grandma's place as she wasn't feeling too well.Katrina my sister never had the nerve for parties.She was rather the homely type who would rather bake pies and clean the house till her back ached than to go to loud parties.She was what some guys referred to as wifey.But I and Jason we're the exact opposite of her.We we're the life of the party.We would go to the parties at our friend's place,night clubs,and every freaky parties like these.We would come back late at night,sneak through the back door which Katrina had already lubricated to prevent the movement of the hinges to make a creaking sound.We would always invite Katrina to follow us to the party but she would disagree even though we both planned to drag her there.
But this rare occurrence,she unexpectedly agreed and we were happy and surprised to hear that from her.Our parents weren't around,so that made it easier for us.Jason and I were exited at her response and we picked up some customers for the party.The party was awesome,she met several guys who were stunned by her beauty Although she wore a heavy costume which would make it hard for one to remember her.Jason would protectively act As her boyfriend to scare the guys off.
Then came a guy in a different costume.He carried this aura with him that made my skin cringe in fear.Even in his overly dark and obscure costume,he was handsome with his facial features outshining those of others.His perfect white eyes,to his pointed nose and his perfectly shaped mouth which adorned his set teeth.His pupils were as dark as the darkest of nights.He was so devilishly handsome that even if he was a girl,he would be taken for beautiful.
I found myself liking him but he never noticed me.Henwent for my sister,and as usual,she had been protected by her brother who acted as though he was her boyfriend.Unlike the others,he didn't leave immediately,but looked at us and said that all of us that attended the party would die before the next day,under mysterious circumstances.Jason shoved him off as a drunken man and asked him if he knew us before even to know would would die or not.But something in me had told me that there was truth in what he said.I had already began to feel good bumps on my body.
The man smiled and dropped the glass of vodka he was sipping and added" alphabetically my dear alphabetically "he said before leaving the three of us in a temporary brain freeze.
"Sister I think we should go home,it's getting late"Katrina said breaking the silence that enveloped us.
Nobody needed to tell us she was scared.We we're all all scared.Jason began to feel aches in his stomach which he shrugged off as the reaction to the excess alcohol he drank.And we all knew that was how his system reacted after being frightened.
As we all stood up to go home.Katrina held on to my costume.
"It was 10:57 pm when I last checked my phone when I was at the party"I told .The walk home would take 20 minutes.
Jason and 1 began to talk to ease the tension that had stayed in our minds in the past few minutes,not only to reassure ourselves but to make Katrina feel less scared since she was our baby sister.This was her first night party and we didn't want to ruin it for her.As we continued talking,we noticed that Jason's voice became deeper and his heavy breaths and groans became loud growls.As he was behind us since he began to slow down,i and Katrina turned back to look into a violent brown eyes.Jason was no longer looking at us,a big brown hungry bear was looking back at us.Frightened Katrina screamed In a yelp of hopelessness as she held my hand to run but the hungry bear had devoured her before my eyes till the only thing left of her were moulds of flesh stuck between it's teeth.
I broke into a run,unsure of where I was going,running deeper into the darkness looking back at the beer still standing until I found the familiar path home.The path was dark and I could still hear the familiar growl of the bear some distance away.The bear was probably picking up my scent.I ran into the house, fumbling with the house keys as I tried to lock the front door from any intrusion that would cost my life.After running up the stairs to my room,I ran into my room and locked myself inside.I brought out my almost flat phone to call for help.
"Mom...dad..I need your help,a bear.."
My phone had died the very second I attempted to use it to call for help.
I heard a familiar growl and looked up to see the big bear staring back at me from the large crack made from my ceiling.I knew it would end this way because name was Lucia.

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