Lonely beach

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Lonely beach

He swallowed in lust as he stared at the almost naked body he had noticed since his presense at the beach for almost half an hour.Her body was slick,and he could see her glistening skin under the morning sun and he presumed she had gone for a sun bath early that day,to catch the vitamin giving rays of the sun.She was probably dozing as her still body was arousing him sexually.
The idea of him watching a naked lady sleep on an open beach still appealed to his thoughts. Her face was tilted away as he could not see it but a rich veiw of her shiny blonde hair which was his spec was scattered all over the rock as he imagined how they would be on his bed that night,glistening with passion.
He gulped again as he lusted after her body.She was perfect,her mid region and legs had been covered by some rocks she had lain by and the only veiw he had of her attractive body was only her bare chest which was still hidden from his lustful glare as she laid on her chest while exposing the back of her body to the sun.He imagined running his hands down her soft glimmering back as his fantasies teased him with her moans that his pervertish mind could only think of.A fly perched on his arm and he shook only to drive it away with his thirst increasing.He had only brought a bottle of water but obviously,since he had finished the first,he needed two.
He stared away for a while as his loins began to stir with intense heat.The beach was far too lonely that morning.They were the only people at the beach side.He thought of a reason of the beach being too lonely.The first reason was that it was too early for the crowds to be trooping in,and it wasn't a weekend.It was a monday to be presise.He wasn't employed and he shifted his schedules to the next day with his secretary staring at him with shock having to go through the stress of rescheduling his meetings.
He felt sick,so attending a long list of boring meetings which usually ended with success was a bore to him.So doing something different without easy success was different to him.He needed to acheive something with effort,and that was having a conversation with the preety girl some distance away from him.He still wondered what a blonde would be doing at a beach at the early hours of the morning,except for sun bathing.
He grinned in mischief when he saw his increasing member.He knew he never forced girls on him,in all his life,they had always trooped around him.And charming the blondie at the beach that had recently gotten his attention,would not take much of his time.
He stood up with a dry throat and strode towards the cliff of rocks which she had lain by,with his searching eyes looking for her curvacious sexy legs.He stopped for a while when he saw a glistening substance in the sand and when his curiousity made him to check it,he saw that it was a scale,and he threw it away uninterestedly.
He now stood in front of the girl who once had his attention but no longer did.Her back had been smeared with blood and her face which had being turned to the other side all these while with him ignorantly admiring her blonde hair,was filled with terror as her eyes and mouth were wide open in an attempt to scream.He stared down at the body which once looked attractive to him but it no longer did.
It had been halved at her belly region with the other half at GOD knows where.He could see her intestines and blood slipping out of her opened stomach.Her chewed flesh had looked horrible to see and he wondered what kind of fish would eat her half and spew out the other half for the world to see.The stench that emanciated definately told him it was days since her body was there.Why the body was not easily discovered was still a mystery to him.
He now realized the reason behind the phenominal fly that once perched on his arm a while ago.He now understood that she wasn't still from a slight dozing from a sun bath,but was stiff from the horrible painful death she had encountered with an hungry shark from the salty sea.
His member had already returned to its orginal size and length with no readiness for reproduction as he turned on his
heels,running away from the beach,leaving the attractive blond he had once lusted after.

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