Authors note

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Author's note
Paranormal behaviours and events are not universally accepted by people.Although they are strange and hard to understand,some people who are psychopaths love coming across them in several media which most of us know as horror films and books which a good example is the one you are reading this very moment.
This book is about mysterious stories that some answers are imbibed in or can be identified by the writer.Its main purpose is to wrap the reader in suspense as it leaves them Wondering what happens next or who's the killer in the story.
This book is merely for entertainment for who loves reading the genre of books and not to scare anyone.This book is a compilation of short creepy stories that are from my imaginations and with this short note,I will indulge you to start reading the first short story in this compilation,
A page away.

A page away.                                         Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora