Sleepy lydia

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Sleepy lydia

It was 12 midnight,The night was chilly.She groaned as she slowly blinked back to focus as she stood up from the floor with a weak gait.She stared around at the place she called home for the past six months.She walked this time with dizziness in her eyes and soon her tiredness began to have an effect on her.She had been playing since morning and was left sleeping on the couch during bedtime.Maybe her playmate sophia didn't remember her after the promised dessert
She saw the dog and luckily for her,the dog was fast asleep.The dog never liked her just for no reason.It always barked when ever sophia was playing with her.It always tried in every possible means to separate the two of them by dragging her with his teeth while sophia would push the dog away in retaliation while running away with lydia who was obviously scared of the mysterious dog.
Lydia went to the stairs that led to sophia's room.She climbed the stairs as slowly as she could.She was scared of heights and she couldn't imagine falling off the stairs.She took every step with cautiousness till she reached the top of the stairs.
Breathing a sigh of relief.She walked up to her friend's door which height compared to her's was like a mountain to a baby horse.Her height had failed her this time and she hated herself for that.She always had fear of heights.She couldn't even imagine breaking an arm.But,she always had an alternative whenever this happened.
There was a drawer closet close to sophia's door on which an expensive jar was placed.Lydia climbed the closet while her feet found their way up the drawer with the knobs on each drawer.
She only had to stretch in order to reach the door knob.Her rigid hands had only reached the door knobs when she fell with a loud thud on the wooden floor.Writhing with angony she limped in pain into the room through the space left by the ajar door.Shifting the displaced arm using to open the door back to its place.She groaned in pain as her joints met.
She closed the door with a smile of accomplishment on her face.She walked towards the bed with cottony soft blankets as her silent footsteps could be heard by the most patient ears.Her foot steps were as light as a feather.
She walked up to the lamp stand close to sophia's bed and with the same method she used with the drawer closet close to sophia's door,she soon stood by the lamp standing for a moment staring at her friend who betrayed her.
Why would sophia leave her sleeping on the couch just because of a dessert?Why would sophia leave her just because of a new teddy her parents bought for her days ago?Would an odinary teddy be the end of their close friendship?
The thoughts ran across her mind as she stared at her friend sleeping comfortably on the bed.She once stared at her friend with anger but now she stared at her with understanding.
Her friend was tired too,they had played through out the day.She slowly walked on the bed crossing sophia folded legs and went towards the teddy which was responsible for diverting her friend's attention from her recently.
With an evil smirk,she kicked the teddy bear off the bed and laid herself in its place in sophia's arms.Sophia unconsciously hugged her with a grin in her face whist asleep.
She was sophia's playmate and friend,no doubt.But she needed sophia's innocent soul to free herself from the curse that had her trapped in the body of a baby doll.A century and some years in a deserted retail shop was too long for her tortured soul.And a mere teddy bear wouldn't ruin her chance of reaping sophia's soul that night.That night would make it exactly a century and ten years since her cursed soul was locked into the baby doll.She missed being human.
Lydia sleepily smiled as her plastic face shone under the rays of pure moonlight that shone in the room through the open window.She sighed as she soon slept off as she closed her eyes.Her eyes shook in response.She slept with butterflies in her stomach she would be free at last.

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