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Hiiii yalll... let's pretend that I haven't disappeared for almost a year and just enjoy this random update 👀
Anyways love you all ! Let's see if this is still active , if it is maybe I'll continue writing this book.

It had always been just side comments or certain letters and notes... but I honestly don't remember when it started with them targeting my belongings. Was it always from the beginning? Starting from writings on my desk, to my chair being missing, then my desk being moved entirely, note books and pens stolen, lastly my shoes being torn apart and thrown into the toilet bowl.

I hate this, but it's tolerable I suppose. I pray it doesn't escalate, I don't want to have to find another reason to remain distant from you. Even if it's just a simple glance around the school, seeing you happy makes it all tolerable.


You huffed out in anger as your hand went through your hair in frustration. It was suppose to be a good night with everyone. You were suppose to be enjoying yourself because you were all almost finished filming... yet Jihoon had to come, the CEO had to come. Your anger was fuming, you body was on fire and the only way that you could put out your flame was fresh air and space. You wrapped your arms around your shoulders, turning behind you as you seen Jun standing there. He had his hands buried in his coat pocket and a crooked smile on his face. "You okay?"

"Im fine. I just came outside for a breather." Your shoulders had raised, looking around as you seen flashing lights perhaps from the cars the drove by. Jun chuckled as he pulled his coat off of his arms and through it around your shoulders. "W-what is this for?"

"You look cold. So I'm letting you borrow my jacket." Jun smiled, his hand lifting up to ruffle your hair. You raised your head, smacking his hand away. You pouted, looking into your phone camera to fix your hair which he messed up. Jun smiled, using his hand to try and hide his grin. "Adorable."

You turned to look at him, hissing as you managed to fix your hair which had looked crazy. "You wanna die? You ruined my hair!"

You ticked your tongue before rolling your eyes, continuing to fix your hair but the wind outside did not help aid you. You had seen Jun walk around to the other side, realizing the wind had grown less strong. Wen Junhui. He seriously was a gentleman. He was always a gentleman. He was kind, he'd do certain things and actions without a second thought or feeling like the favour had to be returned to him. Sometimes you had wished that he was the one you would've fallen for instead. You cleared your throat before giving him his jacket back. "Thanks for the coat... I feel a lot better now though. I should probably be leaving soon..."

"Then how about I drop you off at home then? I don't really have an appetite and everyone seems pretty drunk in there—" Jun had tried to smile, holding his coat on his forearm. Truth be told he just wanted a few minutes alone with you. He didn't want to let this chance go... yet his smile instantly vanished upon his face when someone had made their presence known, exiting the restaurant, his cost in his hands as he slung his trench coat over your shoulders.

"That's not needed. I should be taking her home after all, Junhui." Wonwoo had locked eyes with Jun, his face cold as he kept his palms on your shoulders, pulling you back into his chest. You had turned your head to look up at him, eyes widened from the shock and surprise of his sudden appearance. You didn't want drama though, you sighed heavily, rubbing the skin between your nose as you turned your body to look at Wonwoo.

"No. I'm going home by myself—" Uour eyes couldn't help but look last Wonwoo and into the restaurants huge windows, watching the old balding man try to stand up from his seat and make his way around the tables and workers. A creepy smile plastered on his greasy face. Your eyes widened as you quickly grabbed a hold of Wonwoo wrists, smiling at Junhui. "S-Sorry, Junnie! Actually I'll be going home with Wonwoo!"

Without another word, You had dragged Wonwoo behind you as you had begun sprinting as fast as you could in your heels down the road and through a back alley and onto a different street. Soon letting go of his wrist, panting heavily, wiping the sweat from your forehead. Wonwoo was panting slightly too, but he had looked down at you instead, placing his coat over your shoulders again. "It's cold outside, you're going to catch a cold... I'm also wondering why you ran down that back alley when my car was literally parked outside the restaurant."

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me you were parked outside?!" You had cursed at him, annoyed, tired and sweating. You had ran for nothing when Wonwoo could've just driven them away instead. You sighed before straightening your back as you looked down at your feet, your heels were rubbing into your skin and you were starting to bleed. Wonwoo had taken notice of that, so he had picked you up, causing a yell from your throat. "W-What are you doing?! P-Put me down!"

"Well you didn't give me time before you started running... and stop moving or I will drop you." He had threatened you, carrying you to a bench as he placed you down, carefully undoing your shoes, trying to make sure it didn't rub against your wounds. You could feel your heart beat and dance. It was such a minimal gesture, and yet it had felt like you had fallen in love with him again. It was strange. He had then quickly undone his shoes, placing them around your feet and tying them up. Despite the huge difference in size, they were definitely more comfortable. He then looked up at you and said nothing. A small on his face as he stood up sitting beside you as he held your shoes in his hands. "Better?"

"No... it's not better yet." You had responded, you had been lying to yourself and this moment had made e you realize it. You fell for him again. Someone you had vowed to hate after those years of torture. Yet here he was, tearing your heart into pieces and then molding you back together. Such a simple act of kindness was able to fool you again? Yes... yes it was. Perhaps, the truth is you've never actually ever gotten over him. You had just tried to forget those feelings, masking those feelings with hatred but in fact it was a lingering attachment you had to him.

So as Wonwoo looked at you confused by your words, you had quickly leaned in, capturing his lips with yours.

Almost like how people catch pictures on a camera.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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