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     Is it weird to feel happiness whenever you see someone? To feel chills and warmth flow through your arms in excitement when your eyes find that one person among the crowd? Cause that's what mine feels like when ever my eyes land on you. Land on him.

      I feel my nerves get all crazy when I feel like his eyes met mine even if momentarily. I should stop, I probably look creepy... but everyone else looks at him too... does he like the stares? If not I hope I don't make him uncomfortable. I can feel my face turn red just thinking about him. Even when I'm writing this entry!


     You couldn't help it anymore. Anytime you had seen Wonwoo you had felt your face flush red and would immediately runaway from him. Ever since that night where he confidently told you that he was falling for you. Never once in your life had you had someone confess. So it was new, and new things scared you. That's why you would turn away every time you'd catch him staring at you. He knew that you weren't upset with him or anything. The red pigment that would take over your entire face was evidence enough. He'd find himself smiling at your adorable shy exterior while your ran away from him.

     You were hiding out in the shade, making sure your back was turned towards Wonwoo while you sipped on a hot glass of tea because the temperature was changing quickly as winter was approaching. You had goosebumps rolling up and down your arms because in the scene you had just shot you were in a t-shirt only. Feeling the warmth of a jacket made you jump in surprise, quickly shooting your head around to stare at the person your eyes met with a pair of rather tall ones. He smiled down at you while you responded in the same way. "Hi Junnie."

      Jun laughed at you before ruffling your head as you both sat down in your chairs. Jun sighed looking down at the outfit they had made you wore, mumbling a few things. He took his coat off and placing it on your lap, covering your exposed legs because of the skirt you were forced to wear. "Thank you, Jun, but you should wear your coat—"

      "No, no, no. Keep it on your legs, it's cold. I don't know why they gave you a skirt..." Jun ticked his tongue, looking around at the staff glaring at them. This was one of the first times you had seen him have this expression. An expression mixed with anger and annoyance. You laughed before placing your hand on his knee to make look at you. His glare immediately faded while he stared at you.

      "It's okay! It was in the script that the season was summer. Remember?" You paused waiting for a response from Jun. Jun hesitantly nodded his head before sighing. He had opened his mouth to speak yet he closed it before he could make out the words. You decided not to push the topic further, considering that if he wanted to say something he would've. "Anyways... the script writer is quite the mystery."

      Jun looked up at you. Letting time pass before he formed a question. "Mystery? How so?"

      "I don't know...—" your mouth flattened into a straight line. "They hides their identity, no one knows whether they're female or male, their age— anything. Yet I feel like I've known them for a while—"

      "Y/N." you had turned your head looking back at the person who had called your name. It was Wonwoo. You had gulped, your face turning red. The way he calls your name changed. It makes your heart race even more than before, but not pushing anything you look to the side to where Jun was.

      Jun lifted his eyebrows, confused about this whole new interaction between the two of you. Jun wasn't going to lie, he was upset about the way you had turned into a fruit when Wonwoo came. But Wonwoo could say the same thing, he was upset that you were able to talk to Jun like nothing yet couldn't even an utter a word to him. Yes, he may have found it cute at first, but he could still be jealous. Jun stood up from his chair, stuffing his hands into his pockets before stepping infront of your chair. "Is he bothering you, Y/N? Should I make him leave?"

      "Me? I haven't done anything, Junhui—" Wonwoo pulled his hand out of his pocket to point at him. It wasn't until he had heard and felt the vibration from inside his pocket. He pulled his phone out of his pants, looking at the number before looking up at the two of them. Pressing the green button and then pressing his phone to his ear, he turned around and walked away a few steps. He talked for a little bit before you could notice his entire body freeze up. He looked back before quickly running off to his car and jumping in and speeding off.

      You're mouth hung open as worry took over you. You were worried for a few things, one; the reason he ran off so quickly, two; he was speeding and could get into an accident. Quickly tapping Juns chest, you gave him back both of his jackets before running to your vehicle to follow behind him. You had driven being him at the legal driving speed while Wonwoo couldn't care too much, speeding even just slightly to get back to where he needed to be. He had parked his car farther up as he ran out of his vehicle to approach the apartment building. The place wasn't in the best conditions and neither was Wonwoo. You had quickly jumped out the car too, following him inside the building that didn't even have a lock into the lobby. Chasing him up the stairs as he was panting. Once he had reached the fourth floor he had seen his neighbour who had her old phone pressed against her ear, Wonwoo hung up while tapping the elders arm and nodding her head towards him. He waited until she was in the room to glare back at the front door that was left wide open. "What the hell do you think you're doing in my home?"

      Wonwoo had yelled out, walking into his small apartment as people walked out caring boxes and his items. "You haven't paid for rent within three months, so you're being evicted—"

      "What? Ive paid! I've paid every single time! I sent the money to my landlord—"

      "If you're talking about Mr. Kim, He sold the apartment back to the bank. There's nothing else I can do for you other than tell you not to send Mr. Kim anymore money ." The man who was holding a clipboard, pulled out a few papers, handing them to Wonwoo. "I also recommend finding a new place to stay."

𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐋 || 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora