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Though time seems to stop when you're in my vicinity,
The hours in my jubilee keeps going.
The power your presence brings me
Feels like enough power to light up my city of stars
My city filled with my built up emotions and my demons that haunt my thoughts, yet you are the angel that saved me from them.
Though these feelings won't be reciprocated, I am not mad for I cannot blame anyone but myself
For trying to taste the forbidden fruit that grows on a tree that isn't my own.
In order to let go of these lingering feelings, I must get to the core of the Apple.
The core is you.
So here are my feelings,
Written out on display for your eyes to read
For your heart to question
And for your mouth to reject.
~ Sincerely, Y/N


     You had waited for a little while before breathing into the mic, the sound of paper opening echoed throughout the hallways. She had tucked a piece of paper away, hidden in her skirt as she cleared her throat before beginning. "Dear Wonwoo... if you're reading this, that means you didn't reject my letter. You probably already know what it's about, but to be frank I wonder when it had all started. When I first noticed you and the first time my heart had raced as much as it has. I cannot seem to pinpoint the exact day I had caught feelings, im unsure of if it was at first sight or gradually... but it doesn't really matter too much. I remember the first time I had properly met you, maybe it was then."

     You paused, singing heavily into the microphone before continuing as your eyes read over the paper in your hands. "I didn't fall for you because of your face. Indeed, you exceptionally handsome, but you had your back turned towards me, so your face wasn't the first thing I saw. I heard your voice and the way you spoke as you caressed and fed the stray behind the school gym. I believe it was then."

     You paused again, flipping the paper around to read the backside. "I couldn't dare speak to you though. You are one of god's favourites it's seems since it appears he had blessed you with a good looking face and a popular social life. I will not give god all the credit though, since you have achieved your success by yourself, from your hard work, time and effort. As for me, I am less favourable. Too cowardly to change and too cowardly to confess in person, so with this letter, I provide a poem for you as well."

     Clearing your through you had continued to read the attached poem you had written long before. You paused once you were finished. Sitting in your spot as you folded the paper up, before letting your fingers dance along the middle of the flimsy pieces of wood, soon tearing it apart. You could hear the rip echo through the hallways as you tore it up a few more times. "That's it. That's all I wanted to read to you. That's all I wanted you to hear. That's what I wanted you to hear for the second time in that same exact spot your standing in. Doesn't that just bring back memories, Jeon Wonwoo? It sure as hell brings back a lot for me—"

     Before you could properly finish your sentence the door had swung open, Wonwoo panting and glaring at you who sat comfortably in the chair. He walked towards you, grasping your wrist and pulling you up from the chair, his eyes looking down at the ripped up letter in your hands. "What do you think you're doing?"

     "I'm reminding you of everything that happened." You laughed in his face, dropping the pieces of your letter to the ground as you eyed him. A smirk appearing on your face. "I'm also reminding myself. You know... after coming back here tonight— I can't help but remember everything so vividly. I need to remember exactly what I'm going after and why we even started this bet. I want you to remember everything you caused me."

     You paused pulling your wrist from his harshly, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as your smirk grew larger. "I won't let momentary weaknesses distract me anymore, Jeon Wonwoo. You will remember me, and you will lose."

     You turned off the microphone before leaving the room and walking down the hallways. Wonwoo followed along shortly after, in his hands is the papers you had ripped. "What's wrong with you? Why do you have this grudge against me? What did I do to you!"

     "You don't even remember!" You yelled hands clenching at your shirt that was too big for your body frame now. Those tears that were threatening to escape had fallen, smashing against the card floor as you kept your back towards him. "Was what you did— what all of you did to me that insignificant? The trauma you all caused me?! I can't even look at myself straight without my reflection laughing at me, reminding me of the past! Why must I remember this pain all on my own! Why me! Wae?!"

     You cried loudly as the hallway echoed each sob you had let out, your body was trembling anger and sadness as you showed him the one reaction you didn't want to. You felt defeated. Out of everything you never wanted to cry this hard in front of him or infront of anyone. You start chuckling under your breath, laughter escaping your lips while your wiped under your eyes. You turned around and looked at Wonwoo before smiling at him. "I'm fine now. I'm fine, I'm okay. All I want, is to just make you remember
     —to make you all remember. That's it. That's all I want—"

     "You're not okay. You're grieving—"

     "Who are you to tell me what I'm feeling? I don't need your opinion on anything that regards me. Whatever your observations may be— don't bother." You laughed again. You wiped your face again with your index finger before stuffing your hands in your pockets. "We should probably keep going with this little show. Shouldn't we, Wonwoo?"

     Wonwoo hesitated, but he soon shook his head. His lips flattening out into a straight line while he stuffed his hands into his pockets shortly after. "I don't we should carry on, Y/N. it's obviously taking a toll on you. We should do this another night—"

     "Don't be pussy and just follow."

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