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Today was the day I gave you the letter I wrote. I had hoped you had read it. I chose to give it to you at the end of the day after classes. I knew that if there was a rejection which I was okay, that you wouldn't see me until tomorrow. It'd give me a few hours to be an emotional wreck, but at least you wouldn't see me. You didn't reject me though, which is giving me either hope or false hope... its all okay though.

You smiled at me slightly while you took my letter. You then stuffed it into your pockets before walking home.


The car ride was silent, it was filled the just the sound of you and Wonwoos breathing. The incredible awkwardness was not going away anytime soon. So Wonwoo decided to try and address the elephant in the room. "So... when did you and Junhui-shi get close?"

It made your eyebrows furrow. A tint of discomfort could be heard from both of you. "Not that it's any of your business, but we knew eachother for a while now."

"I wasn't saying that it was my business, but if you're trying to win me over, I'd suggest not flirting with other people in front of me—" Wonwoo choked by the sudden jolt forward. You couldn't help but press your foot flat against the break by accident. You started choking in the air that got caught in your throat. You pounded your chest, hoping to be able to catch a breath. Once you calmed down, you turned your entire body like a faucet handle. You're lips were sealed, but you remained in the same spot. "What— whyre you staring at me?"

"Are you perhaps... jealous?" You couldn't help but ask. It made you curious.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

"Then why else would you have made that comment?"

"Because you're wasting my time." Wonwoo turned to face you. His eyes were dark and filled with annoyance. You rolled your eyes, starting to drive once again.

"Then let's get this over with so you can finish your oh-so-busy-evening." You grunted. You quickly drove back to your apartment complex, taping your keycard against the scanner as the door opened. You did that once more as the second security door let you through. Wonwoos eyes scanned the lobby floor.

"You live here? You know this is the Forest Trimage towers, right?" The lobby looked quite luxurious. The floors seemed very polished, the furniture looked as if it was bought the same day. Large paintings and cold specks along the walls and ceiling. He wondered how you, a rookie actor was able to afford such a place. Then he noticed, he didn't know much about you. "Each apartment is almost like ₩3.2 billion each—"

"How're you, Gyunho-oppa?" You waved at the guard who smiled and waved back at you, he also answered you with a thumbs up and a goodnight. That answered his questions, yet he still seemed to ask more. You ignored all of them, stepping into the elevator before pressing the third highest floor. That surprised Wonwoo too. Usually, the higher the floor the more expensive. So when you pressed the third highest to a 49 floor apartment complex, his mouth was a gape. "Let's quickly get this over with, no? Just like you said, I'm wasting your time."

Once the elevator came to a stop, you juggler your keychain in your palms, using the keycard once more to unlock the door. As you stepped into the house, you took off your heels, placing them inside the closet. So you quickly turned around to lock the door as Wonwoo came in a habit you liked, just knowing it was securing your own safety. "Lights on."

As your voice spoke, the room light up instantly. As so, you didn't notice until the lights came on how close Wonwoo and you stood. Suddenly feeling embarrassed you pushed passed him clearing your throat. "Let—... let me get you some spare slippers."

You disappeared for a little while, a pair of white fluffy slip ones in your hands. You dropped them in front of him, as he said gratitude before stepping further into your apartment. Gasping at the new territory he was in. Wonwoo followed you into the open kitchen, watching as you grabbed a bottle of wine and popped the top of, pouring it into two cups before handing one to him. "I'm okay."

"If you say so, but I'm actually drinking this for me." You laughed chugging it before getting ready for your next mission for remembrance. You brought yours and his glass, despite him saying he didn't want it, along with the full bottle of wine. "Come along please."

You entered the bedroom, slightly happy you cleaned up. Your bed was made and the view was beautiful. The large class windows with the beautiful view. "You know, sipping a glass of wine an enjoying the view is much better than just standing there. If you don't want one I won't force you, but I will say it might help before we get started."

Wonwoo nodded his head, taking the extra glass from your hands and placing it against his pink lips. Sipping on the red vino in his hand. He did like the view. The lights of the building of Seoul, it was a sight you couldn't get sick of. But when he turned and stared at you, you seemed as if you were bored. You chugged the rest of the wine in your glass before waving him along with you. You pulled open the closet door and stepped inside, ushering him along with you. You shut the door behind him and sat down, hugging your knees to your chest as he followed along.

It was silence. For at least five minutes. You didn't say a word, you just continued to pour yourself more wine. Despite being in the dark, you could still feel his eyes looking around the dark room and searching for your face.

"You won't remember this happening to us, only me." You chuckled sipping more of the wine in your glass. This was your third glass already. You're alcohol tolerance was not high, so it was slowly hitting you, but you didn't really care. "Maybe this will remind you of all the things I went through."


"You might've not experienced it, but I know you were aware of it. At least majority of it." You faked a chuckled, sipping on more wine. It was until you felt yourself tremble. The alcohol was now hitting you harder, reoccurring memories flooding your head every aching second you sat in that closet with him. He might've not done the rude actions that caused you to tremble, but he was the reason for lots of it.

"Yah. Are you okay?" His hands reached for your shoulders, turning you to face him as tears streamed your face. You were scaring him. The panting of your breath escaping and the harsh trembling you were doing before he made contact. It scared him more that you stopped immediately as his hands came in contact with your shoulders.

"...Remember how I said that there we no limits?"

Wonwoo paused, nodding his head, finally remembering the two of each other cannot see. They were both sheltered from the dark, so despite the awkwardness, He then let out a small hum.

"Then can I kiss you?" No words were spoken. There was about a 10 second pause before any movements were made. "Then I'm taking your silence as yes. Stop me if you change your mind."

So in the dark, that's when her lips met his. A teenage fantasy she was now living out in her early to mid twenties.

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