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I've been thinking a lot about what I should try to pursue as my career path. I had thought about acting but my features aren't fit for the camera. I'm not pretty enough for the screen, but it is a nice fantasy I suppose.


     It was finally Monday. The there were only a few more scenes that you were to be recording and the last minute changes that you were suppose to memorize. There would've been only one more week after this shift for recording. You had been off script for a while but with the last minute changes you were still studying the words and trying to convey each emotion for each sentence. You sighed, slamming the new printed script down on the table on front of you. You ran your hand over your hair as you threw your head back. "This is bullshit. Why would they change the entire ending after making us all remember all those other lines?"

     You had thought you were speaking to yourself, not expecting another voice until someone had sat beside you. Their voice echoing as they chuckled at your words. "Who knows, did you read the rest of the script?"

     You sat up immediately, looking up at the man who said beside you... you haven't spoke to him for a while. You couldn't help but feel awkward... especially after reading the end of that script. "Yeah, I did... Junnie."

     Jun nodded his head, his lips flattening into a flat line as he glanced back at you. The awkward tension was clear as the sky above you. He turned around in his chair, looking into your eyes as he asked the next question. A question that seemed to hold deeper meaning. "And what do you think of the ending?"

     "It's fine, I suppose. Im confused on why they would change it so the second male lead would end up with her though. It's just sudden." You answered, crossing your legs over one another while keeping you eyes on his. He nodded his head before turning his gaze away. Clearing his throat as he stood up, his hand being held out to you for you to hold. Slowly and hesitantly, you had placed your hand in his. His warm hand felt nice in your touch. You had wondered how all this was happening.

     The scene had begun. Jun and you saying your lines to one another as there were cameras in front of you both. His hands had reached up to your face brushing away the hair and tucking it behind your ears. His eyes darting between your eyes and then your lips. It was weird being in this position with Jun. It never felt right standing here with him like this. This didn't feel right, even though you knew this was just for a shoot, it didn't feel right. Jun licked his lips before saying that one line you were scared of hearing. "I love you."

     Those words left his lips and it had felt so real. It hasn't felt like he was acting, like every ounce of him had meant it and it had made you tremble. It was too real to be an act and you had felt somewhat bad about it. You knew of his feelings, but you had known for a while now that you weren't able to reciprocate those feelings. Then you had to repeat your line too. "I love you too. I know now that now. I'm sorry for realizing that so late."

     You could feels Juns hands trembling against your skin as his hands caressed your face. Slowly and hesitantly pulling you closer to connect your lips as you could feel a tear roll down his cheek and onto yours. His kiss was soft as your lips engulfed each other's. A fake lovingly kiss that was displayed for only the cameras. One of his hands fell from your face to hold onto your waist to drag you closer. The sound of cameras rolling and dead silence on the set as you continued to kiss. Once you both pulled away, he had rested his head on your shoulder, engulfing you in a hug as he rested his head on your shoulder as he had mumbled something into your ear quietly, just quiet enough for you to hear and not for the cameras to catch. "If only this was the reality."

     With that being said, you had froze as they had finally yelled cut. Jun pulled away, smiling as if that scene didn't mean anything to him. He had wiped the tears that formed as he waved you off before walking back behind the computers, watching that scene over again as he nodded his head and gave them a thumbs up. You continued to stand there, your hands by your side as you watched Jun, something inside your chest feeling heavy as you observed him.


     The staff dinner. It was tradition that if you were to close to finishing or already finished something important at work or if you did a great job, that everyone involved would go out and enjoy a dinner together. Eating food and drinking with one another to celebrate the achievements everyone has done. So as everyone sat at tables together, food placed in front of them and bottles of wine and Soju scattered across the tables. They all had a toast as you decided to drink water, knowing that you'd have to drive home.

     The door had opened once more, but everyone had already been present who needed to be here, and as you were made aware, the restaurant had been rented out for tonight just for the crew. So as a few people turned their head to stare at the person who entered, you could feel your heart drop in your stomach. Two people you didn't like had walked in. You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your water as you seen Won woo stand up to greet his friend Jihoon. Jihoon had wrote some songs for the drama, so would technically be allowed to partake in this dinner. You then could hear the chair beside you being pulled out, the man smiling as he sat down beside you. His smile causing shivers to roll down your bones. "We're finally having our dinner together, not how I would prefer but this works. Here let me pour you a drink—"

     "I don't drink, my apologies sir." You faked a smile as you turned to stare the your CEO who kept pestering you. You shook your head, your persistence to say no irritating that man. It was going to be a long night.

𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐋 || 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang