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back from the dead... again

     The amount of admiration I had for one person was enough to amount to the population of Korea. I admired him so much, because of this façade he put on in front of everyone. He was a kind gentle soul, he was full of manners and showed everyone respect— at least that's what everyone saw.

     He was actually heartless. He showed no remorse and didn't acknowledge me after that point. Not after when he let his friends read my the letter I wrote him to the entire school. He didn't bother to stare at me, he didn't do anything. He just left it as is and carried on with his day. It scared me as to how quickly he changed. It was as if nothing had happened. As if me, my feelings and my letter meant nothing. Which was what it was. Nothing. It was probably a common thing for him. I'm not surprised now. 

...Yet even though I may not be surprised, I am hurt. I'm hurt deeply.


     The trailer door opened, you could hear his feet follow behind you, trying to close the distance between the both of you. When is cold hand make contact with your elbow to turn you around. Your eyes widened. You weren't sure as to what you were feeling. All you knew was your heart was beating rapidly. You were ashamed and embarrassed about everything. You wanted to cry. Maybe one of those reasons was also because you found comfort within his embrace. "Let go! Don't fucking touch me! Just don't—... don't touch me."

     Your hands reached for his chest pushing him away from you. You turned around and walked away again. You weren't sure where you were going, all you knew was that you'd had to leave. "Y/N! Tell me what's wrong—"

     "No! Just leave me alone—"

     "What are you so afraid of—"

     "You!" You shouted, turning around sharply. Arms out gesturing to everywhere. Heavy tears streaming your face as you wiped you eyes that couldn't stop the heavy flow over this salty liquid. "You... you're what I'm afraid of, Wonwoo."

     He couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say. This was the first time someone's said that they were afraid of him. He couldn't understand a single word that came out of your mouth. Fear? Fearful of him? It irked him. "...why?"

     "What?" You answered. His voice was barely audible. You wanted him to repeat himself loud enough so you could hear him.

     "Why're you scared of me? What did I do?" He answered talking a few steps closer and closer, until the gap between you closed. He approached you, the only thing you can see was his face zoom in as if it was a camera. You can just smell the lingering scent of his cologne he put on this morning. He raised his hand, twisting his finger around the strand of hair that dangled in front of your face. "Please tell me what I did to make you hate me—"

     "That's for you to figure out. I said I'd make you remember, not give you the answer on a silver platter." You laughed in his face, twisting your head to look around you. "I'm going to make you remember. Since you claim that you don't. Tonight. My apartment. I'll drive."

     "If you won't answer my question as to why you fear and hate me, tell me how I can solve that." Wonwoos words were sincere, even if you didn't notice or even cared to acknowledge. He didn't like the feeling of being hated, he despised it. For some strange reason, it hurt more knowing you hated him. His face scrunched in disgust just thinking about it.

     "Would you do anything?" You mocked him, only to see him nod his head. Once again, you laughed. Turning towards the murky lake you both were in a little while ago, your finger raised, pointing at it. "Jump in that lake and old your breath for 20 minutes. Run naked through the crew and cast. Jump off a bridge... you can do all these things... nothing would change."

     Wonwoo didn't say anything else. Wonwoos eyes remained glued to yours as his finger continued to spin with your hair. After observing the surrounding area, you noticed the emptiness of the place. So you took the chance to advance in your bet.

     "Though I must compliment you for reminding me. I have nothing to be scared of, but you on the other hand—" you paused, grabbing his hand that was playing with your hair. You pulled it behind you, dragging him closer towards you. Your other hand reached for his cheek, his mouth placed by his cheek while a seductive whisper flowed into his ear. "You should be scared. It appears that you're already losing."

     "You should also be scared as to what's going to happen when I win." You chuckled , pulling away from his ear. You're smile faltered slightly. "Because I can make you do anything I choose."

     "Who says I'm going to lose?" Wonwoo connected his eyes with yours. A small smirk plastered on his lips showed a hint of confidence. He was determined to win. Maybe with the help of some loopholes within the bet, but that didn't matter. Just because he couldn't deny this attraction to you, doesn't mean anything. "I'm just showing some friendliness to my fellow colleague. Worry is all it is. Though I must compliment you for being so optimistic."

     It was now you who was caught off guard. His reaction was not what you were thinking was going to happen. It didn't satisfy you. You wanted to see his blood run cold, to see him awkwardly stand there. That's what your goal was... so nothing was stopping you. As he started to pull away, you quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling him closer to you as you dragged your hand across his chest. Your lips placed by his ears while a dangerously seductive whisper blew out. "I don't need your worrying, in fact you should be worrying. Remember my words from when we made the bet? There are no limits."

     You pulled away to see his eyes darted straight. He was as stiff as a board. His Adam's apple jumped in his throat. Testing both yourself and him, your small petite hand grazed the side of his face, turning him towards you as you placed your lips on his cheek, so dangerously close to his lips. "See you tonight."

     You had pulled away just in time, because you could see the shadow and hear the voice of Junhui yelling both of your names. You shoulder bumped Wonwoo running towards Jun with a huge smile on your face. A smile that was filled with victory. You had won that time. You felt like you had accomplished so much just from that one interaction. You had no doubt that you were going to win this. The only issue was, you weren't exactly sure what you wanted him to do after you'd win. "What we're you and Wonwoo talking about?"

     "Nothing important. Anyways! Did you eat yet? I'm starving!" You laughed, hooking arms with Junhui and abandoning that area you came from. You abandoned Wonwoo too. You left him there to stand alone, to bask in his own feelings and his own confusion. Letting his question everything that he had just encountered.

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