Heartbreak (ANGST)

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Jesper's head was banging and his vision was blurry. All he could see was some guy infront of him as he tried to focus his vision. Once he did that he saw his boyfriend's father. Jan Van Eck.

"Jesper! My least favourite person" Van Eck smiled. Jesper tried to get up to punch him but he realised he was tied to a chair. "Not so fast Mr Fahey. I have a deal to make with you, not like you can talk" Van Eck stated. Jesper did try to talk but was hit with the fact his mouth is taped shut, rude.

"Okay the deal is that you dumb my son or I kill him" Van Eck stated, unbothered. Jesper stops moving and just stares at his boyfriend's bitch father. Jan took this as a sign to continue talking. "I refuse to have a gay son so you will break his little gross heart or he dies, simple" Van Eck shrugged.

Once Van Eck let him go he decided to take the deal with him. He would rather see Wylan find someone better than die, call him selfish but he could never replace Wylan whilst Wylan could replace him any day.  made his way to

Jesper walked towards Wylan's new place and just walked inside. "Wy! We have to talk." He said, trying to sound annoyed and angry while being completely heartbroken, not wanting to let his sunshine go.

Wylan walked up to him looking worried. "What wrong Jes?" He asked. Jesper grabbed Wylan's wrist, gently but hard enough for it to hurt a little.

"We are done. I don't love you anymore and you deserve better" Jesper said, trying not to stutter. He just let Wylan go and left, without hearing out what Wylan had to say.

He walked into an ally-way and just sobbed and sobbed until he heard a voice. "You are stupid, boy. You think I would kill my son? Stupid." Van Eck said, pointing a gun at Jesper.

He pressed the trigger, shotting Jesper in the heart.

"When I said I'd kill Wylan, I meant you."


Wylan woke up panting.

Once he calmed down he saw Kaz at the door. "Is Jes okay?" He asked, worried. Kaz looked pained.

"Wy, Jes has been dead for over 3 years. You need to move on, it's destroying you." Kaz said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Reality hit Wylan in the face and he started sobbing, Kaz holding him as he did.

The end.

A/n: This chapter destroyed me, I started writing it ages ago but couldn't bring myself to finish it 😭

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