mockery (REQUESTED/angst?)

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A/N: Requested by winterflower_ae11

I hope this is what you imagined!


Jesper and Wylan were sat in a cafè catching up with an old friend, Elizabeth. "Yes well I think Wylan is quite the serial stresser, always worried about anything and everything" Elizabeth laughed. Jesper cracked up a little too, causing a glare from Wylan.

"He really is. It's also a little pain when I have to read every little paper in the house" Jesper chuckled a little, joking. Elizabeth smiled and Wylan grabbed Jesper's arm.

After about an hour the two finally made their way back home, Jesper talking about how great the food was while Wylan stayed silent. Jesper noticed Wylan's sudden change and stopped talking, looking at Wylan.

"Merchling?" Jesper asked, stopping. Wylan kept walking, silently which suprised the sharpshooter.  "Sunshine?" Jesper asked a little louder now that Wylan was a little further ahead. "WYLAN!" He yelled since Wylan was way far ahead.

Wylan kept walking until he got home, alone. Wylan just sat on the couch and stayed there even when Jesper got home and tried talking to him. He refused to talk to Jesper until Jesper realised what he said wrong because he always has to be the one that explains what he does wrong.

In the evening Jesper made Wylan a fancy dinner which Wylan ate greatfully but in silence. "Is this because of what I said to Lizzie? Look I'm sorry"  Jesper apologised and Wylan looked up at him and nodded.

"Its fine, whatever" Wylan shook his head, almost whispering. Jesper felt bad and didn't know what to do. He needed an idea on what to do to make it up to Wylan quickly.

A/n: I started a lucifer fancic and I posted a Prologue and I am planning to write the first chapter soon.

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