Sunny day (modern au)

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A/n: I've been cleaning all day so I thought writing will help me relax a little.


Wylan stared out his window, looking at the shining sun. It had been raining all week and now it was really sunny. "Its sunny Jes, what shall we do?" He asked, looking back at his husband.

Jesper thought for a minute before an idea popped into his head. "We can take Milo on a walk and maybe invite everyone over for a BBQ?" Jesper suggested, shrugging. Wylan nodded and went to get the dog lesh, wanting to get that over and done with.

Whilst Wylan got the dog ready for a walk Jesper texted the group chat and everyone agreed. "They all said yes for later! I'll quickly stop by the shop on our way back" Jesper smiled, pecking Wylan's lips before they made their way out of the house with their dog, Milo.


Everyone was gathered at the Van Eck-Fahey residence enjoying the sunshine. Wylan was chatting with Nina and Inej whilst Matthias and Kaz attempted to get along. Jesper was attempting to use the grill and he was humming a little. Milo was sat on Wylan's lap getting pets.

Soon the food got served and Jesper took his seat next to his husband, wrapping an arm around him. "Hey sunshine" Jesper smile, pecking Wylan's cheek.

"Hey dork" Wylan smiled and pushed Jesper away by his chest. His turned his attention back to the two girls as well as his food. Jesper ate too, enjoying a conversation with Kaz about some random guy they both hated and why. Wylan could never understand their friendship but who ever will?

It was getting late but the sun was still shinning so the group decided to do some more sunny day activities while they still could.

They decided to play volleyball and surprisingly Kaz was one of the best, not counting the time Matthias hit him in the face with the ball.

Everyone enjoyed the sunshine especially the young married couple.

The end.

A/n: I wanna start writing more Angst but I have no angsty ideas :(

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