Kuwei trying to be Wylan

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Wylan and walking around fifth harbour when he spotted Jesper with Kuwei but Kuwei was dressed as him. Wylan decided to spy on them to see what was going on.

He followed them to Jesper's favourite cafè and saw Kuwei pay for Jesper's drink as the two joked and laughed. Wylan was disappointed that Jesper was out with Kuwei, joking around.

Wylan then followed them to the beach and the two just sat around on rocks, talking about stupid things. Wylan was just staring, frowning.

He was about to leave when he saw Kuwei pull Jesper into a harsh kiss, shocking Jesper.

Jesper pulled away immediately and stared at Kuwei, wide-eyed.

"You're not Wylan" was all Jesper said. Wylan furrowed his eyebrows as he saw this scene unfold.

"I know you're smart but how did you figure it out?" Kuwei bit his lip, trailing his finger up Jesper's arm, making him flinch away.

"Wylan is a better kisser" Jesper said while getting up.

Kuwei grumbled and did a walk of shame as Wylan approached Jesper.

"Dumbfrick" Wylan said, wacking Jesper's arm.

Jesper just nodded and pulled Wylan into a hug. "Can we go get holy water on my lips?" Jesper asked, earning a nod from his boyfriend.

The end.

A/n: Sorry about it being so short but I am working on a much longer story.

The speaking exam went decently well, ignoring the fact the invigilator was a bitch and literally made one of the other girl's cry.

Wesper one shots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz