Pet hunting (REQUEST)

388 11 13

A/n: Requested by MiniMarauder


Wylan decided that it was finally time the two got a pet.

This is the explanation to Jesper's happiness at the Crow club meeting. Whilst Kaz was side eyeing Jesper the others just ignored his obnixious happy behaviour.

"Why is he so cheery?" Inej whispered to Wylan as the two stared at Jesper who was dancing around.

Wylam groaned. "I promised we would shop for pets after the meeting" he sighed, regretting his decision. Inej gave him a sympathetic look before getting whisked away by Kaz.

Once the two left the meeting Jesper immediately dragged Wylan to the town. They made a few quick stops for some chemicals Wylan needed for a job. Once they got the chemicals Jesper was searching everywhere for some pets. Wylan admitted it was an adorable sight and as much as he regretted it he also didn't in a way.

Jesper was holding Wylan's hand while looking around when he spotted it.

A goat.

Jesper screeched like a demon and ran toward it.

Wylan was left confused. He quickly followed his boyfriend and saw the goat. He knew from the many stories Jesper told him about Milo that the goat looked identical.

Jesper sent Wylan a hopeful look. "We are not getting a goat" Wylan bursted his bubble as it was still bubbling.

Jesper pouted. They walked away and kept looking.

Wylan felt bad so when he spotted a dog identical to the goat he got it for his lover. Jesper was extatic.

They lived happily ever after. They ended up getting a goat anyways because as if Wy cam resist Jes for long.

Le end. Love you all <3

A/n: Okay so I realised I haven't updated this in over a month 😟. Its because I'm doing a few other writing pieces and with my 16th birthday being on the 25th (IN TWO DAYS?!-) I've been a bit occupied by that ig.

I will release a IT preferences/imagines book by August (idk how many chapters I'll publish but I hope its atleast like 6 right off the bat).

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