Finding Milo (Request)

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A/n: This was requested by TheDelilahLyrics


Jesper missed Milo.

Wylan had no idea who Milo was but he was slightly jealous at how much Jesper talked about him.

Jesper would give out a laugh whenever Wylan seemed jealous at the mention and never told him about Milo being a goat, not a really person. It seemed funnier this way, it also made Kaz smile to himself so it was worth it.


Wylan was sat in the Van Eck mansion kitchen when Jesper made his way to him, kissing his head. Wylan smiled at his boyfriend.

"I'm going to look for Milo, you coming with?" Jesper asked, pouring himself some water. Wylan's jaw clenched slightly but he still gave Jesper the brightest smile he could while nodding.
"Okay great. We'll leave in a few" Jesper smiled, chugging the glass of water before making his way out the kitchen.

Wylan's smile dropped and he quietly mumbled some swears to the saints and got up from his seat.

10 minutes later the two were walking around Ketterdam, looking for Milo.

Wylan wasn't paying much attention. He didn't know what Milo looked like and couldn't care less. Jesper seemed excited to find this Milo person and it sort of weirded Wylan out.

'Why does Jesper care so much about this guy?' Was the question constantly running through Wylan's mind.

Jesper gasped, grabbing Wylan's hand as a way to tell to his stop. Wylan looked around and saw a guy holding a goat. The guy looked hot but wasn't his type and he didn't seem like Jesper's type either.

Jesper basically ran towards the guy, leaving Wylan alone. Wylan frowned and followed him, waiting to be dumped for this hunk of muscle.

To his suprise Jesper punched the guy, grabbed the goat, grabbed Wylan's hand and ran.

Wylan couldn't even comprehend what was going on and why Jesper just stole the goat. Was this a side quest? What in the name of Alina is going on.

When the two got back home Wylan decided to ask those question and the answers made him feel so stupid and slightly embarrassed.

"This goat is Milo. The real love of my life" Jesper said, kissing the goat's head.

That night, much to Wylan's dismay, Milo slept in bed with them.

The end.

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