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A/n: This is a crossover between Hogwarts (Maurader's era) but with my own few characters from my new book (I will update it regularly)

Jesper and Wylan were sat with the other crows, staring at a group of people.

"Will you quit staring?" One of the girls rolled her eyes, her boyfriend nudging her softly. She glared at him and he glared back.

"We should probably introduce ourselves" the boy with the glasses said. Wylan nodded grabbing Jesper's hand.

Jesper just glared daggers at the group, annoyed that they were intimating his precious sunshine. "I am James Potter" the boy stated. He went around the circle until he got to the couple that were still glaring at each other in a silent fight.

"I will never understand straight people" Jesper stated clearly. The couple finally shifted their eyes towards the two.

"Do I look straight to you?" The girl asked, simingly offended. "You don't see me assuming you are just gay because you have a boyfriend" she stated, crossing her arms.

"And that's my sister, Hazel Potter" James stated, annoyed. "The guy next to her is her long term boyfriend Regulus, Sirius' brother" he added.

Wylan sank back into the couch still intimated by the couple and Jesper just rolled his eyes. "Why are you even here? And we don't care who you are. You are in our territory so lose the attitude before I make you lose it" Jesper bitterly said. Wylan sighed and grabbed hold of his hand tighter to tell him its okay.

"My apologies really. We are here to ask if we may hide away here for awhile. There is someone out there ready to kill us thanks to a few...misunderstandings" James stated. Everyone else in that group had seemed to have lost intest and were now gossiping.

Kaz asked the guy into his office to talk while the rest stayed.

Wylan and Jesper refused to leave each other's side. These strangers were just here asking for stuff whilst being disrespectful, disgusting really.

Eventually they all got to stay.

Wylan was not too pleased but atleast Jesper would help him get through it.

La end

Wesper one shots Where stories live. Discover now