Getaway car

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A/n: I was listening to Taylor Swift as per usual and thought of this :)


Wylan was grabbing as much cash as he could while his boyfriend, Jesper, made sure no one could do anything. This was a typical Tuesday for them but today was going to be different.

Wylan ran away with the money while Jesper wasn't looking and got into the getaway car with Kaz in the front. "Drive." Wylan said, watching Jesper run to try get in the car. Kaz smirked and drove off, leaving Jesper behind.

Wylan than got his phone and called someone."Hello this is 911 what is your emergency?" The lady asked.

"There is a robbing at Ketterdam bank and
Responsible looks like Jesper Fahey" he said into the phone, earning a smirk from his adoptive father, Kaz. He then hung up.

That's it. They had gotten away with it and retired.

The end.

A/n: This is short and high-key shitty but I am working on a heartstopper fic which I am enjoying writing and releasing. I will continue to update this on shot book too

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