Dreamberry - Picnic

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Requested by @BobandKevinsimp

Dream POV:

Blue was so...perfect. He was kind, loving, brave, happy, adorable. And we shared similar interests in protecting the citizens of the multiverse.

Oh and he's also my boyfriend.

I wanted to do something special for the little skeleton. But what...? I laid on my bed contemplating what Blue would like. Blue likes a lot of things. Cooking, fighting—for Justice—, slumber parties, hanging out with me or Ink, or  going out on dates with me. But I want to do something special for him that doesn't just seem like something we'd do normally. I brought my hand up a little before slamming it back onto the bed. Maybe I could get him a gift...and then give it to him at like a....picnic? Oh my god. He would love a picnic! He gets to make snacks, we can walk around a lot to find a good spot, and it's just us two. I sat up quickly and looked to my door. I need to get him a gift first. I teleported off to the store to find something for him.

What would he want...?


I put the gift carefully in a little box. Then I put the top on and picked it up. Perfect.

I then put it on my bed and left to tell Blue.

I found him in the training room, practicing on a dummy.

"Hey Blue!" I called to him. Blue stopped and came over to me.

"Oh hey, Dream! Need something?" He asked, breathing quite hard. I nodded.

"Want to have a picnic with me? We can make the snacks and go in...probably about an hour." I said. Blue lit up.

"Of course I'll go with you! Let go!" He grabbed his water bottle then ran over to me and grabbed my hand. He ran us all the way to the kitchen. "What're we making?"

"Whatever." I said.

We made sandwiches and tacos and brought along some snacks like chips and chocolate. I ran back to my room to grab the present as Blue was getting the basket all ready.

"Who's that for?" Blue asked as I returned.

"You." I replied with a giggle.

"Can I-?" I cut him off.

"Nope. You've gotta wait 'till we get there, Bluebell." Blue huffed and picked up the basket. We ran into Ink coming back as we were leaving and he told us to have fun. I just smiled at him.

Blue's POV:

Soon we set up in a surface au. There was a nice little area near a river that we decided to set up by. After, I reached for the present Dream had again. He smacked my hand away.

"After we eat."

I rolled my eyes but complied. We talked as we ate and watched birds fly above. A fish even jumped out of the river at one point.

Finally we were done and I reached for the present again. Dream placed the box in my hands and I placed it on my lap. I carefully opened it. I wonder what it is... I gasped when I saw it.

It was a little doll of Dream. I picked it up and inspected it carefully. It was quite detailed. I knew exactly who made it, and it wasn't Dream. I looked at him.

"I didn't really know what to get you. Sorry. So I just bought the doll from Error so that...I don't know, you could have a little me wherever you go." He looked away. "It's okay if you don't like it. I just didn't know what else to get you."

"Aw. Dream." He looked back up right as I hugged him. "I love it!" I felt him hug back.

I let go of the hug and placed the doll back in the box so it wouldn't get hurt.

"Wanna go go for a little hike?" I suggested.

"Sure!" Dream agreed.

We cleaned up our area and walked over to the river. There were little stepping stones—or rather stones poking out of the water like stepping stones—across the river. I jumped across them with the basket. Dream looked hesitant. He looked to me. I gave him a reassuring smile. Then he gave me a smug look and that cheater teleported over!

"Dream! You cheater!" I teased. He laughed.

"I am not getting soaked because the stones are slippery!" He defended. "Now let's go." I rolled my eyes and followed the Guardian as he walked ahead of me.

We walked up through the surface au all afternoon. Just talking and loving each other.

By the time we got home, our au was dark. Dream had long since fallen asleep and I was holding him. I walked into our house and up to Dream's room. I placed him in his bed and got in beside him. Dream was the best thing to ever happen to me. I had fun today.

"Thank you for the gift, Dream."


828 words

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