Cross x Dream x Blue - Snow Fun

407 12 5

Requested by @oli______

3rd Person POV:

Dream rubbed his eyes as he got out of bed. It was only once he got up he realized his boyfriends weren't there. It makes sense for Blue, because he usually gets up early, but not Cross. Usually the monochrome likes to sleep in. Dream yawned and changed his clothes before making his way down stairs. He decided to make himself some coffee before looking for his boyfriends. He held the warm much with both hands to keep them warm. Dream shuddered at the warmth and took a sip. He glanced out the window. Snow covered the ground. 'Now...where are those two?' He thought as he began to look around the house.
They weren't in the living room...
Not the kitchen,
Not in the bedroom,
Not the bathroom,
And not the basement.

Where were they?

Dream stood in the living room, quite confused. Then he heard a thump as something hit the window behind him. He walked up to the window and saw Cross and Blue playing out in it. Cross was pouncing on the snow and Blue was pouncing on him. Snow was getting sprayed onto the window as Blue pounced on Cross. Dream started to get a bit worried.

'They aren't wearing any snow clothes. They're gonna freeze.' He thought. 'I could make them some come in and warm up, then put snow clothes on.' He smiled at the thought.

Dream walked over and began making two mugs of hot chocolate. He then walked out to the porch, which happened to be near where the living room window was and where they were playing. He watched them for a bit, drinking his coffee.

"Hey!" He eventually called out to them. Cross pounced on the snow one last time and looked up at Dream. Blue jumped on him and did the same. "You two get inside. You'll freeze!"

The two looked at each other. Then shook their heads. Dream frowned.

"If you freeze, it'll be 'snow' fun." Blue gasped at the pun.

"Dream! That was horrible! Get over here!" He jumped off of Cross, knocking the monochrome face-first into the snow. Cross didn't move after. Dream stepped inside and let Blue follow him. He sat Blue on the couch and then went back out for Cross. The Oreo still hadn't moved. Dream walked up to him.

"Cross? Are you okay?" Dream asked, worry lacing his voice. Cross turned to look up at Dream.

"I don't wanna go inside..." He whined quietly.

"Cross, you'll freeze if you stay out here. I made you and Blue some hot chocolate. Hawk about we drink that and cuddle? Then you two can come back out here, with snow clothes on?" Dream offered. Cross chuckled a little.

"Okay..." He got up with Dream's help. He was shivering pretty bad. Dream walked back inside, Cross leaning on him. They walked back in to see Blue...drinking the second mug of hot chocolate.

Cross shoved his face into Dream's cape, extremely annoyed. Dream sighed.

"Blue, you need to go make him one. Then we can all cuddle." Dream said.

"Noooo." Blue complained. "I just started, there's still a lot of it left?" He offered.

"Blue-" Dream began, but Cross had already walked over.

"It's fine. I'll drink the rest." He flopped down and leaned against Blue, who squeaked.

"Cross! You're cold!" Cross just laughed.

Dream grabbed another blanket from nearby and wrapped up Cross so he can lean on Blue. Dream then went to the other side of Cross and snuggled up to his shoulder.

"You two need to be more responsible." Dream said.

"Nah. It annoys you so it's fun." Cross said, Blue just laughed.

"You both suck." Dream retorted.


623 words

Why did I write all of this is first person? No one will ever know. Not even me.

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