Fluffydream - Valentines to Lovers

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This kind of takes place in the same universe as the Cat Cafe story, but Night and Dream Don't know Ccino.

Also random Valentine's Day special.

Dream POV:

I walked down the sidewalk. It was a bit of a gloomy day, but that didn't affect my mood. It was getting dark out. I then felt a raindrop land right on my nose. 'Ugh. I like watching rain, but not getting rained on.' I thought. 'I need somewhere to stay until I get something to shield me from the rain.' I noticed a cafe nearby and walked towards it. The rain started pouring as I did. I walked in before I got too wet luckily. I looked around quickly. This place was cozy. It had cats running around, people seemed happy, and it was warm. I walked up to the counter. There was no cashier currently. I stood there for a bit. Suddenly a skeleton popped up from under the counter.

"Oh! Sorry. I was trying to make sure the beds I have under here were okay." He said. "The beds...for the cats." He clarified. I chuckled. "Need anything?"

"Could I just have a Hot Cocoa?" I asked. "I'll probably be here for a bit."

"Okay. Whats your name?"


"Aww. That's pretty. I'm Ccino!" He said. "I'll bring it over to you once it's done." I nodded. He held out a slip of paper to me. "It's a Valentine's Day card. I made them for my customers, but no one's really wanted them." Ccino shrugged. I took it from him.

"Thank you." Me and my brother often traded silly cards to each other, but this is the first time I've ever gotten one from someone else. I sat at a table near the window and opened it. It read:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I may not know you,
But I bet you're cool too!

I smiled at it. It was cheesy, but it was sweet. Ccino walked up to me and put my cocoa next to me. He was really nice.

"Want to sit with me for a while?" I offered the cashier as he picked up one of his cats. "There aren't many others here."

"There will be tomorrow. It's always busy on Valentine's Day." He said as he sat down with the cat. "This is Sansy." I waved to the sleepy cat.

"Can I ask something?" I wondered. Ccino perked up.


"Could I be your Valentine tomorrow?" A blush spread across his face. I giggled. "I meant in a friend way. Like I'll help you out tomorrow and if anyone offers it to you, you can say I'm here as a nice way to reject them."

"Oh." Ccino thought for a moment. "I like that. Let's do it. You should probably go now." Ccino stood up.

"I hate the rain. And I don't have an umbrella." I said.

"I've got a couch in the cat room. If your okay with a few cats sleeping with you, then you can stay." Ccino offered.

"Eh, why not? My brother won't mind me vanishing for one night." I agreed.

Ccino led me to the couch and gave me a blanket and a pillow. Sure enough, like he said, a few of his cats jumped up and curled up beside me. I chuckled. It was nice. I fell asleep fast with a cat snuggled up under the blanket beside me.

~The Next Evening~

Ccino POV:

It was super helpful to have Dream around. He helped me get out drinks and pastries much faster. It was still raining as I closed the cafe for the evening at about 5. I always closed early on these days since I got a bit sad I didn't have anyone. But Dream...
Maybe he'd be up for a date-thing?

"Hey Dream?" I walked up to the happy skeleton.


"Would you like to go for a walk with me to g-get some d-dinner?"

"But rain?" Dream asked.

"I've got an umbrella." I looked down nervously.

"Sure!" I looked back and met the happy skeleton's eyes.

I grabbed the umbrella from under the counter, near the cat beds.

Dream and I walked beside one another as we walked to a restaurant I ordered online for.

"So...would you be okay with me coming back next year?" Dream suddenly asked. "To be your friend Valentine again?"

"Yeah!" I agreed.

The rest of the walk was calming. We got our food and ate it as we walked back to my cafe.

This was a fun year.

~About 2 years Later~

Dream had grown on me a lot. Today I was going to ask Dream to be my actual Valentine. And boyfriend. It was Valentine's Day again and, well, I thought it'd be fitting considering how we met. Dream walked in before I opened and came over to me. He handed me a card before I could even say hi and ran into the bathroom. I was confused. I opened the card. It read:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I love you,
Would you be my Valentine too?

I laughed a little. He reiterated my 'too' rhyme! I felt a blush spread across my face though as I realized what he asked. I smiled and walked over to the bathroom door.

"Hey Dream?" I asked.

"Yeah?" A quiet reply came.

"I accept. Also could we...be together?"

Silence. It's like Dream vanished. Then the door flung open and Dream scooped me up into a hug. I hugged him back.

"Best Valentine's Day ever!" He said.

"Yeah. Definitely."


934 words

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