chapter five

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"SO . . . WHAT? YOU'RE just gonna let her run off?" Alaina seethed, brows furrowed as she glared daggers at the three girls before her. Nancy and Kate shrunk back, their eyes falling to the well they'd been leaning over moments before, and yet Carol continued to stand tall.

Minutes earlier, Alaina had been helping Tierney climb down from the treehouse she'd found, a smile gracing her face as she watched the younger blonde laugh in excitement. However, her ears soon picked up on a conversation taking place elsewhere.

"I wanna play a game," Linda had said hopefully, her inner child peaking through to the surface as the three older girls stared at her with what looked to be disgust. Alaina immediately narrowed her eyes and looked over.

"Okay, let's play hide-and-seek," Carol had suggested with a smile - a wicked smile that Alaina could see from miles away. "You go hide, and we'll come look for you."

No, Alaina said in her head as Tierney's feet reached the ground, don't fall for it, Linda. But she knew, of course, that the young girl would fall for it, because she was young. She was naïve to the subtle bullying the three older girls were committing, only bathing in the thought of having friends other than Janice to play with. So, in a prance, the girl with the fringe skipped away with a giggle, it being carried away with the wind, just like her innocence.

"So, are we gonna look for her?" Kate asked. Carol and Nancy only leaned back over the well with smug grins and shrugs of boredom. That was when Alaina approached them, Tierney trailing behind her with confusion as she acknowledging the resentment bouncing off the older teen.

She spoke the words repeated before, annoyance lurching through her angered question. She was sick of the girls, sick of Carol, for pretending everything was fine for bullying young children who didn't understand.

"Maybe," Carol shrugged with a teasing grin.

"You know, I meant what I said yesterday," Alaina muttered with distaste as she stepped away, continuing to watch the brown-haired girl as she walked backwards towards the house. Carol's brows furrowed in confusion.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐃; jack championWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt