chapter four

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ALAINA COULDN'T SLEEP. Not always could she fall into dreamland as soon as she wished, as her rapid thoughts continued to run freely throughout her tired mind. Often she found herself to lie in bed, hands tucked beneath her hair, as she stared up at the roof or the side of the wall. She would dream then, awake but dream, of things she wished she could have, but knew she never could. What she could have, which she knew about, was the sight of the stars in the night sky. They shined even in their loneliness, which is why the girl stood up from her bed and quietly tiptoed towards the window she knew could be opened.

She'd spared a glance at the boy, watching his chest rise and fall in the darkness of the room, before she softly sighed and pressed her feet against the cold floor. With a shake of her shoulders, she pushed past the frigid air and stalked towards the window, being careful to not make a sound as she gently pushed it above her head.

The wind was soft, if even there at all, so she didn't worry about the thought of leaving the window open. She didn't know if it was locked from the outside, so after crawling through and balancing on the roof of the ground floor, she left it open. The wind wasn't strong enough to shut it, and she trusted Jack to not lock her out. He was asleep, anyways. She thought he was asleep.

In reality, the boy had softly groaned once acknowledging the sound of footsteps around their room. He only opened his eyes when the girl had climbed out the window, watching with a blurry sight as a head of brunette hair carefully walked along the roof with a hand on the wall. Immediately he shot up, at first concerned, but after he'd yanked the blanket away from his legs and rushed towards the window, peering out, he came to the conclusion that yes, yes she was crazy, but she was responsible. Responsible enough to know the limits.

He took a moment to watch, the gentle breeze curling his hair even more than it was, as she adjusted her stance. She laid down on the tiles, comfy clothing protecting her from the harsh grazes of the blocks, before tilting her head towards the sky. All she did was watch, just like Jack realised he was doing, only it was her he was staring at. He was staring at her admiring the stars.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐃; jack championWhere stories live. Discover now