chapter twelve

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THE OTHER ORPHAN girls were awake around the house before Jack and Alaina had built up the courage to walk back to their shared bedroom, too scared to find out if any other supernatural destruction had occurred throughout the sleepless night. The brunette couldn't stop thinking about the little girl's face, how it morphed so easily into that of an other-worldly creature. It had screeched at her, lunging into the air, reaching out for her body and soul. It hadn't had the chance to take it, yet Alaina continued to think of what could've happened if it had.

"Laina!" Janice was the first to cry, limping forward as the girls immediately flocked behind her at the child's alarming yet relieved tone. Jack watched from the doorway of the lounge room, arms cross as he leant against the wooden archway, as the children and teenagers skipped down the staircase with thankful grins. He couldn't help but smile, admiring the way the Bilson girl was loved and adored by the other girls. He couldn't imagine it any other way.

She laughed as they swarmed her, arms stretching around her to try and get a touch. That way they knew she was okay, not just a trick of the light. That way they knew she was real. 

"Okay, girls . . . lets take it easy," Sister Charlotte laughed as she emerged out of her room. She gently guided Tina and Nancy back as the other girls slowly departed, standing back with glistening eyes and raised brows.

"What happened?" Tierney asked, Nancy frantically nodding alongside her. Carol subtly nudged her, begging her from within her mind to stop urging her on, but she was only ignored. If Alaina had seen she would had offered the other older girl a thankful smile, and yet she didn't, as when Carol glanced back at the older brunette, she watched as the seventeen-year-old froze in her position. "Oh, please do tell us, Alaina!"

"Enough!" Sister Charlotte snapped, moving to stand in front of the young girl with a disappointed smile. "What do I say about minding your own business?"

Tierney sighed, Nancy tapping her foot against the floor as she looked away as if she wasn't involved. The woman in front of them only rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I'm sorry, Sister," Tierney apologised sadly, turning her head towards the floor. That was when Jack finally stepped forward, raising a hand to lie it on Alaina's shoulder.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐃; jack championWhere stories live. Discover now