chapter twenty

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"WHAT THE FUCK . . ." Alaina trailed off as she stared at the porcelain doll, watching it's head move on it's own. 

"Hello, Alaina." Came a voice from the window, the wall, the roof, the floor. The doll's lips never moved, and yet, Alaina knew it was her talking. She couldn't believe it, even though she'd believed everything else. There was no way that doll could be moving and talking at the same time, and yet, there it was. Yet another impossible objective the creepy, old house had defied.

Suddenly, her head was thrusted back to watching the ceiling, the girl letting out a quiet whimper as a trickle of blood fell from her lips. She wanted to move her hand to wipe it away, yet she could do nothing but let it slip down her chin towards her neck. She heard pattering footsteps, them loud and playful and childish. She quickly flicker her eyes down as far as they could do, only to find the doll standing still again, but closer to her. The doll wasn't in the middle of the room anymore.

"Who are you?" Alaina asked through a shaky breath, every word hurting through her tongue. More blood seeped onto her once soft lips, just like her once soft heart. She would never be the same again, especially not after that night. Everything would change, all because of one stupid doll.

"You know who I am," that one voice said again, the sound travelling through every single object in the room. Alaina furrowed her brows, nostrils flared, as she tried to suck in a breath not contaminated by her blood.

"But she's in Janice," she whined, eyebrows drawing in as her eyes squeezed shut in pain. Something was pulling at her body, pulling her arms and legs away from her torso before squeezing them back in ever so tight. It wasn't visible to the naked eye, but the girl could feel it. She could feel everything.

"She's in everyone," the voice said. "Even you."

Alaina let out a scream as her body was shuddered tightly against the wall. She could feel the plaster cracking behind her, it soon to give way. She didn't have long left before she'd be thrown out of the house itself, she could envision it. Letting out a scream as the wall finally caved in, falling to the ground with wide eyes and a fallen heart. Nothing to do, nothing to see, just a dead girl falling. She'd probably die before she even hit the ground.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐃; jack championWhere stories live. Discover now