"Long story. " Doomsday said. "Basically I'm a con, well was before I killed a few dicepticons for fun. I was demoted as one, forced to run and well... came here to this planet. "

"'Killed a few decepticons'? " she asked confused.

"Oh, don't make me repeat myself. " he said.

Suddenly his face lit up as if he had an idea, he smiled and started to run into the forest to where Ace could no longer see him.

"Where'd he go? " deadlock asked .

"I don't know" she replied after slowly following where she seen him vanish.

After a few moments of searching they found nothing. Ace dropped her datapad, so she could check for his life sighn.

"Scrap." She cursed to herself after the realization.

She and Deadlock stopped trying to think.

"You think he's a threat? " he asked.

"Might be, now that I'm ex-con. " she said realizing that the Doomsday still wants to be a Dicepticon.

Suddenly a bright red light appeared at the corner of her eye.

She turned around but she wasn't fast enough, the lights hit her along followed pain.

Ace fell to the ground after the blast stopped.

"ACE! " deadlock called running over.

Ace coughed energon as she looked down to see her body was covered is small cracks.

"W-what was that?" She studdered as she tried to stand back up though failed as she collapsed back down.

"That my friend." Said a voice. "Was an ion Cannon, powerful enough to kill a bot, well... Most bots. " he said realizing Ace is not dead.

"You see, when I saw you I had an idea" he started to explain. "I was demoted as a con, so I wanted to reedeem myself. And how what better than to bring the head of an ex con like you, to Megatron himself."

Ace growled as deadlock tried to help her stand up.

"I just needed a moment to charge up. I can only take one shot a day, before needed to recharge, even then takes about a minute to power up before I can get a shot, that's why I ran. " he said walking slightly closer. "But, with so much power it pays a price. Every shot takes-"

"-A lot of energon" she finished his sentence.

"But it more than makes up in terms of power, " he continued, " and i got just enough time to end you, and... Well it. "He looked at deadlock.

Ace's face turned to rage at his threat, but not towards ace, but to deadlock.

Doomsday smiled as he took a spear from his back lifting it up ready to throw it through ace's chest.

"oh, Megatron will love this." He said throwing the spear at ace.

Ace eyes widened then closed not knowing if shell live the impact or not.

"NOOO! " deadlock called.

Ace slowly opened her eyes not feeling the impact.

Though before her layed deadlock with the spear right through his chest.

"DEADLOCK! " she called as she picked him up onto her knees.

"Frag. Well that didn't go as planned." Doomsday said running away.

Her mind was reminded of her brother in the same predicament.

"I-i guess w-whe are back at s-square one... " he studdered bleeding.

"I can't lose you too! " she said holding him tight as his optics started to flicker.

She looked around her for something that can help her. She can't fly back to the cave, it's too far away, deadlock won't make the journey, and Ace would pass out before she can get there, not even considering the lack of medical equipment.

Wait... She remembered the other life sighns on the island not to far away.

Its extremely risky. She looked down at deadlock passed out nearly dead.

It was her only option.

With the strength she had left she stood up holding deadlock in her arms and flapping her wings hoping they wouldnt fail her.

She flied over the see towards the island as her vision began to blur.

All she could do now is hope that whoever these bots where, had mercy.

Will deadlock survive!? :0
And I wonder who those bots are...
( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

"𝔸𝕔𝕖"  A Transformers Prime OC StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora