19.1 - Suffocating Walls (Yandere! AFO)

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Hm... Writer's block. Don't we just love it? 

I've been feeling drained but... Oh well. Here's a small continuation of Oneshot 19!

I hope you enjoy! And if you do feel free to leave a like and/or comment to let me know.

Onto the story . . . 


(Also for the manga readers, how are the new chapters treating you? :)

Personally, I had several breakdowns already.


I can't do this anymore-)


(Update: Wow this took longer than I expected... God, I'm so tired)



Darkness was the first thing Izuku noticed when he awoke.

It clung to him, wearing his body down.

He was exhausted...

"I'm so sorry, Izuku".

Blinking slowly at the soft voice calling out to him, the teen looked around.

Who was that talking to him?

Izuku didn't know. He was too tired.

"I wish we could've helped you..."

He reached out into the abyss, his eyelids heavy and his mind foggy.

Suddenly, a ball of bright light broke through the shadows clinging to him, engulfing him in a warm embrace.

His emerald green eyes widened at the sensation, tears pricking his eyes as he stretched forwards in an attempt to somehow grab it.

"We'll stay with you, ninth. I promise".

Izuku wanted to call out, but his voice remained stuck in his throat as the light faded, leaving him behind in the suffocating inky void of his own mind.





Izuku woke up, snapping his eyes open in a hurry as he flailed around, a sharp pain running through his head. His ears were ringing, those softly spoken words stuck in his mind, seemingly playing on repeat as he choked for air, his chest moving up and down with erratic breaths. 

Who... was that person in his dream?

Groaning quietly, he tried raising his hand to rub his temple to hopefully soothe the raging headache thrumming against his skull, only to falter in his movements as his eyes focused on the thing circling tightly around his wrist, adding extra weight onto his already heavy limb. His body froze, breath hitching in response as something in his guts churned.

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