19 - Nowhere to run (Yandere! AFO)

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*stares intently*

So...Uh- Hi. It's been a while, huh? ...Welcome to... uh-

*Glances back at the cluttered, burning mess of my incoherent planning board*

Ah, well... Ignore that-

*grabs a hold of your shoulders*

Listen. I am not liable for anything- No idea what the hell happened with this. 

Probably my inner demons or something... So just-

Have fun...?




For the later part of this Oneshot:

// Possible Trigger Warnings //

Kidnapping, ((Mainly off-camera) Mass-) Murder, AFO being a creepy bastard, 

Manipulation, mild Gore, (hinted) Drugging, and some more



Crystal-clear crimson eyes stared down at a small, frail bundle laying in a baby crib. Eyes unblinking and unreadable to the outside world. Eyes, who belonged to a goliath of a man, loomed over the crib while his hands rested on the sleek wood on either side. He made no move to leave his position anytime soon, focused on the sleeping infant curled up in a plush light green blanket decorated with small blossom patterns.

His breath hitched as the baby suddenly tossed around in its sleep, fumbling with the covers and grabbing onto a white bunny plush. Having to hold back the gentle coo that tried to escape his throat, the white-haired man smiled, tightening his grip on the wooden walls of the crib. His head seemed to spin as he tried to wrap his mind around the sight, drinking in every last detail of the dimly lit infant's features.

His newborn. His child.


From the moment the baby had taken its first unsteady breath and cried out, he had felt like his whole world lit up. The colors around him had brightened and the ice in his heart melted away as he gazed down into the sleepy emerald-green orbs of his child. A green, so rich and hauntingly familiar it made him ache all over, his breath being robbed on the spot.

Hisashi knew then and there that he would give absolutely everything he had just to protect his baby. His son.

His treasure.

There was nothing else in the world that mattered to him more than his little, precious boy. Nothing else- not even himself. With that thought running through his mind, the white-haired man slowly reached out a hand towards his baby, placing it gently against the smooth skin of his rosy cheek. His intense red eyes softened as he leaned over the railing of the wooden crib.

"I love you" he whispered as he bent down closer, brushing a feather-light kiss against the tiny forehead. "You're my most treasured gem, I promise to cherish you and protect you until the world's end" he finished with a faint smile before folding the blanket securely over his slumbering son, careful to not wake the little one.

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