17.1 - A Nests Shackles (Wings! AU)

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This is a short continuation of Oneshot 17 (request by 28sharpea) and I thought, why not? ...since I admit, it's a little mean to just end a chapter like that. 

 So I couldn't simply leave you all hanging, noooo. 

I'm not like that... hehe. 



Welp, I hope you "enjoy" this little add-on! If you do then feel free to leave a like and/or comment to let me know!

Onto the continuation. . .  Blame sharpea for this. 



Izuku floated.

He didn't remember. His brain is too numb to work and his body is too heavy to move. So why should he even bother?

Warmth surrounded him, almost like an embrace.

All he knew is that he was safe. Silent whispers slowly dragged him deeper into the waters of unconsciousness. Izuku couldn't be bothered, so he let himself submerge.

He was fine. There was no pain, no shouting, and no explosions... it was peaceful.

Drifting further into the deep waters of his mind, his subconsciousness, Izuku was brought out of his trance by a string of hurried whispers and muffled curses. Something cold slithered around his right bicep and pulled and then-


Izuku's eyes snapped open.

He violently gasped for air, a heavy feeling in his chest as he tried sitting up, only to take notice of the force pulling him back, restraining him to the covers he was laying on. The teen blinked blearily, having trouble shaking off the sleepiness, which had hogged his brain and body just a few seconds ago.

Where was he?

Glancing around, his green eyes focused and gave him a good view of his unfamiliar surroundings. This was neither his room at home nor a hospital room... then where? To his left, he noticed a small lamp standing on a plastic drawer. Izuku sat himself up a little straighter, his wings puffing up with his movements.

The green-haired teen carefully moved around on the bed- no. Was it even a bed? The furniture he was laying on was a weird round shape, maybe a couch? Deciding he could just try and figure it out later on, he tugged his arms forward to reach for the lamp, only to have the noise of a chain rattle through the dimly lit room. Izuku froze, turning his gaze down to his scarred wrists. His chained wrists. 


One second passed. Then another...


Realization struck him like lightning.

Everything came flooding back to him in a flurry of emotions and colors, pictures flashing through his head at a rapid speed that made him want to curl up and just forget- "It hurts". The memories racing through his mind overwhelmed him, his body flinching against the cold metal shackles encasing his wrists.

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