13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)

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Idea: All For One comes home from his "business trip" and finds out about his son's quirk analysis. He is absolutely ecstatic. (Kind of a continuation of Oneshot 12?


A/N: Chapter 13! Wooo!

God, I'm so busy with school and stuff-

Apologies if I take a few weeks to update... I'm getting quite tired.

I hope you enjoy this one-shot and feel free to like and/or comment!


Updated A/N: I was in the hospital :D

My body has decided to just not deal with me anymore and shut down on me multiple times. I am suffering and life is falling apart. Anyways here's the chapter!


Soft clicks of footsteps hitting the cold ground echoed through the gigantic, concrete bunker. The dim ceiling lights shining down into a long corridor illuminated the person strolling through the underground bunker, casting a dark silhouette as they soundlessly moved toward a steel door.

The person- or rather man- was tall, too tall to be an average individual. His broad shoulders, accompanied by his prominent muscled body made him out to be quite an intimidating figure. Everything about him basically screamed strength- that he was dangerous if challenged.

But perhaps the most distinct feature about this man was his face, or rather the lack thereof. Where his eyes and nose were supposed to be was only old scarring and indents, faded- but clear marks remained of what he had lost many years ago.

Nevertheless, the man continued on his way, using one of his many acquired quirks to open the steel door at the end of the hallway, letting himself inside a large, purple-lit lab full of test tubes and more. The door shut silently behind him as he moved on through the room.

On the opposite side of him was a huge wall decorated with many TVs, all showing either live feeds of the security cameras scattered around the hideout or some type of data about human biology and quirk factors.

On the chair just below the TVs sat a large, older man, typing away at a keyboard as his goggles reflected the blue light coming off of the screens. Ceasing his typing, the other man turned around in his chair, showing off a white lab coat with many pockets for medical tools.

"Sensei, welcome". The doctor greeted the faceless man across the room, standing up from his chair with a grin. "Doctor. I presume that everything is ready?". Sensei spoke calmly, stepping closer to the doctor. "Of course. The operation is fully set up and the Nomu is ready to be used. Follow me please".

With that, the two men walked through the lab into a smaller side room decked out with all kinds of medical machinery. "The chance of successful restoration is about 70%, sensei. Everything is fully prepared and ready for your treatment".

Sensei hummed approvingly, his lips tugging up into a pleased smirk. "Then let's get started, shall we? After all, I promised them to come home tomorrow".



Groaning with exhaustion, Midoriya collapsed onto the soft covers of his bed, his whole body going slack as he finally allowed himself to relax. His mother, who was standing at his door frame laughed softly at her son's actions, having missed his presence in their small but cozy apartment.

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