11 - The grand reveal

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A/N: Heya, everyone! Welcome to Oneshot number 11.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave a like and/or comment!

Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing anymore but yea. 


I titled this the grand reveal but it's not really grand more like angst- HAH. 


Everything had been so peaceful, so quiet after All For One had successfully escaped Tartarus. Too quiet for Midoriya's liking so he kept his guard up, waiting for the day the league would arrive at UA's gates to attack and tear apart everything in their sights. His classmates were unnerved too but told Midoriya that he shouldn't be that paranoid about it since they'd most likely get at least a hint on when this supposed invasion would happen.

What a foolish thing to think. It had been the same with the USJ at the start of their first year, hadn't it? They had simply emerged from Kurogiri's portal and that had been it. They could've lost their lives that day. Surely, now that they had trained thoroughly and improved their quirks such a situation wouldn't happen again, right?

It was eating the anxious green-haired boy up, nagging at his gut while he scribbled in his Hero Analysis for the Future Nr. 17. Speaking of his Analysis- he had managed to rack up his notebooks during his time in the hero course, adding Villain Analysis and even Analysis of himself to his pile of collected knowledge and theories.

Lifting his mechanical pen with a pleased huff, he stared down at the sketch of a new limelight hero he had spotted a week prior. Midoriya was really fascinated by their quirk- Code Scramble- which allowed the hero to not only excel at hacking into electronic devices and mess with their coding in a way that they could control them but also easily track down any kind of electronic signals, which was pretty handy for spy work.

Anyway- where was he? Ah right- "AAAAAnd that'll be it for today's class! Good work, listeners!" President Mic hollered excitedly in English just when the bell rang, announcing their lunch break. Some of his classmates groaned and stretched in their seats, moving to get up and start heading to the cafeteria. 

,,Finally- god these exams are going to be the death of me". Sero huffed as he passed by Midoriya's seat to join Bakugo at his desk. "Me too man, me too". Kirishima nodded dramatically while Kaminari went to lean against his shoulder for support. "My brain feels like it's gonna melt". "Nothing new then, huh?" Mina snickered, successfully making Kaminari gasp with fake shock.

,,How dare you!" The electric boy pouted playfully, lightly punching his pink friend in the shoulder. The ash blonde, who had remained sitting in his chair during the whole ordeal groaned at their display and stood up, growling at them to follow him or be left in the dust and starve. Midoriya silently watched the Baku-squad jump into motion, skittering out of the classroom in a race to the cafeteria, followed by the angry shouts of Iida being his usual class president self.

The curly-haired boy couldn't suppress a breathy chuckle at their behavior, his eyes keeping track of the remaining people still in the classroom all the while he packed his notebook away in his yellow bag. Seeing his classmates so happy and carefree was everything he ever wanted. He was so glad to have met them and grown together with them on their path to becoming pro-heroes.

Still, he couldn't seem to shake off the lurking feeling of something bad happening. Midoriya desperately hoped that he was wrong and it was just his stomach acting up. His small smile turned slightly strained at the thought of seeing them get hurt again but he quickly shook it off when he saw Todoroki strolling over to him with a neutral expression.

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