"No need to. Call a driver instead." Mina said, appearing with the others behind Elena and Katsuki. He shrugged and dialed the number to a driver as they headed to the exit. "Yeah hello. Uhhh...Is it possible to get a driver to pick us up at Churaumi-aquarium?" Katsuki asked into the device, almost wincing, seeing as he hated talking.

"Yeah. Okay. Thank you." Katsuki said before hanging up. "My little Katsu is so shy." Elena pouted, kissing his cheek. "You're so cute." Elena continued, pinching his cheek.

"Shut up. I'm not shy." He said, clicking his tongue. "Yeah you are!" She teased him, a bright smile on her face. "Oh my god! Fine, I am shy, but only when talking in the phone." Katsuki said, looking away in embarrassment as everyone chuckled.

"My precious Katsu!"


Stepping out of the car, they were finally back at the hotel. "Ahh...this is amazing." Elena sighed, feeling the warmth hit her skin as the sound of the waves clashing against the beach was heard. They all looked out towards the horizon. "How about dinner at the hotel?" Mina asked, making Elena smirk.

"Alright!" She exclaimed, grabbing Katsuki's hand and dragging him along. Mina dragged Kiri while Denki and Hitoshi walked along, talking. "I want churros!" Elena squealed, shaking Katsuki's hand. "Nope, we need to eat some actual food before you get desert." Katsuki stated, making Elena pout.

"Fine fine."


Elena had got chicken nuggets and fries along with churros. Katsuki only ordered a spicy chicken rice mix.

"Why didn't you order any desert?" Elena asked, eating a fry. Katsuki leaned into her ear, whispering something that made Elena's face go completely red.

"What, what did he say?" Hitoshi asked, munching on his steak. "Nothing!" Elena exclaimed, her face red as she took a bite of a chicken nugget, looking away. 'I'll have desert later when we get home.' Elena thought back, her mind running wild as she tried to keep her composure.

"Anywho...so is Elena paying?" Mina asked, only for her to nod. "It's Sugar mommy for you missy." She joked, laughing as she ate her food. Suddenly a waiter approached them with a few amounts of alcohol. "Uhm, we didn't order this!" Elena told them, looking at them.

"The table over there wanted to order these for you. They'll pay for the drinks." The waiter said, bowing at Elena. "I-" She began, only to look in the way of the table.

There sat a family of two adults and one child whom sat, looking at Elena with stars in her eyes. "Come on, I wanna thank them." Elena said, grabbing ahold of Katsuki's hand and standing up.

Katsuki sighed and followed after her. The little girl, was bouncing in her chair at the sight of her. As Elena and Katsuki arrived by the table, Elena bowed at them. "Thank you for the drinks, it's really appreciated!" She thanked, smiling that them.

"I- please! We just wanted to give something to the heroes that protected us during the war." They told them, smiling gratefully. "But could we just ask for a photograph with our daughter?" The man asked, taking the opportunity. "She loves heroes, and seeing those who fought beside the greatest heroes in Japan, she can't help but be excited." The woman told them as Elena laughed.

"Of course, come on Katsu." She dragged Katsuki with her towards the little girl. "So, what's your name?" Elena asked, standing behind her as Katsuki stood right beside her. They held onto the chair, smiling as the parents took pictures. Katsuki eyed Elena, only for him to look back. As their eyes met, a smile appeared on both their faces.

"My name is Aki!" She told them, smiling as if it was Christmas Eve.

"I hope you have an amazing stay here, Aki." Elena told her, crouching down in front of her and grabbing her hands. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Elena asked, making the girl perk up as Katsuki stood, looking at Elena with almost hearts in his eyes.

"A hero! Just like you and All Might!" She said with admiration. "But who's your favorite hero?" The mom asked, only for the little girl to make a pose that Elena knew all to well.

"Hawks!" She yelled, only for Elena to laugh. "He's a great hero." Elena laughed out, smiling down at the little girl. "What's your favorite hero?" The girl suddenly asked, startling Elena. She didn't think of that very often, really.

"Hmm...I'd have to say Eraserhead, Dynamight and Saiko." Elena told the little girl, making her question the last name. "Who's Saiko?"

"A very dear hero that saved people many years ago. She used to be the number two hero before she passed away." Elena explained, patting the girl's head before standing up. "Woah!" The girl exclaimed, hearts in her eyes.

"Very well. Again, thank you two a lot for the drinks! Have a nice day." Elena told them, bowing as Katsuki did the same, but a little more faintly.

The parents smiled gratefully. "Thank you!" They said as Elena and Katsuki went back to their table.

Katsuki grabbed a hold of Elena's hand, looking at her before kissing her head. "You're gonna be a good mother one day." He told her, unable to keep his eyes from her.

Back at the table with the family, the little girl was giggling in happiness. However the parents looked at the two heroes walking away. "Agh, young love." They said, only for the father to speak.

'They're so in love, it's almost hard to watch.'


Katsuki kept kissing Elena's cheek as they walked home. "You're so beautiful." He mumbled, almost drunk as they walked.

They had a lot to drink, almost too much. On the path home, they laughed, giggled and kissed. "I wanna make you my wife one day." Katsuki accidentally rambled, his cheeks slightly red. "I can't wait for that day." Elena replied, holding his hand as they swung.

"One day, when we kill that bastard and we can live in peace, I'll make you my wife. One day." He told her, only for Elena to smile before kissing the back of his hand. "How is my woman so pretty?!" Katsuki yelled towards the sky, making Elena laugh as they walked.

Katsuki suddenly grabbed a hold of her hand, pulling her towards him and kissing her passionately. Elena felt her heart beat, her hands shake and her cheeks heated up as she kissed him. It was as if time had stopped for a second, only to let them have their moment. Parting, Katsuki smiled at her, a genuine smile plastered on his lips.

"You know, I don't smile a lot. Unless it comes to hero work and beating up villains...but you...you have this way of making me smile by just existing. Your presence alone makes me feel like the happiest man in the world. How?" He asked, his eyes plastered on her.

"How am I supposed to know?" She laughed as they arrived back at the beach house. "Good point."

As they entered the house, Katsuki was quick to pick her up bridal style as they walked in. Katsuki kissed her, smiling as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Upon parting, Elena's eyes widened upon suddenly feeling an aura in the room. "Put me down! Who's there?" She asked, her concentration a little slippery.

Suddenly turning on the lights, her eyes widened upon seeing Shota standing in the dark, his eyes bloodshot as he shook. "Dad?! What the hell- what happened?! Why are you here?!" Elena asked, approaching him as she grabbed ahold of his shaking hands.

He looked down at the ground, his eyes almost numb as he stared. "Dad, can you tell me what happened?" She asked, putting her hands on his cheeks. Katsuki quickly went into the kitchen to pour up some water for him.

Shota scoffed before his eyes met hers. Elena's eyes widened, feeling her body suddenly rise in anger. And at his next words, she didn't know if she would be able to control her emotions.

"She cheated. Ellie cheated on me."

Words: 2000


Also, ik some of you might've liked Ellie, idk. But yeah this was planned. 💀 sorry not sorry <3

I hope you liked this chapter!!

Ciao Lovelies <3

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