Chapter 3 - Midnight attack

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Disclaimer: This is a work of original fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Warning: I'm aware that you may not be comfortable reading the part where an Evolved Zombie converts a human into a Special Mutated Zombie by shoving its tongue into his/her mouth to force him/her to swallow an unknown liquid. Feel free to skip that part if necessary.

Chapter 3 - Midnight Attack

Bridge Over Lake Champlain, Alburgh, Vermont, USA, 8 November 2020, 0019 hrs

With the final large military crate placed on the bridge, most of the bio-handlers retreat towards the side of Alburgh, leaving a few of them to deploy the Grudgies. Then, they do some hand movements using the Young Templars' Military-grade Gauntlets to activate the bio-weapons under their control. At last, the Grudgies sense the bio-handlers' hand gestures calling them to follow their commands at all costs. Within seconds, these bio-weapons are now under their control completely. Hence, the bio-handlers order the Grudgies to come outside. Soon enough, these Grudgies force their way out from the military crates through brute force with several loud bangs.

At the same time, on the Alpha Checkpoint...

The sound of loud bangs nearby rattled the US soldiers on the watchtower while standing guard. "What the hell was that? Is it an explosion?" The unnamed US soldier looks at his watch buddy nervously. "Maybe. But I...." Before the watch buddy can finish his statement, he spots several Grudgies on the bridge. "Hold on. Is that...." His eyes widen upon seeing several long hair silhouettes of bio-weapons standing on the bridge when the dense fog subsides. "Oh, crap! There are several unknown zombies on the bridge! Alert Headquarters to raise the alarm and request for backup!" The watch buddy tells the US soldier to radio the safe zone headquarters about the current situation. When he was about to pick up a walkie-talkie attached to his tactical vest, an unknown bullet pierced his face, killing him. "What the fuck?!" The watch buddy was stunned as he observed what had transpired. Before he could react any further, another bullet pierced his head, killing him as well.

On a rooftop building filled with camouflage netting...

Sally is in a prone position as she aims through her M110 SASS sniper rifle scope. 'You are making things too easy, pathetic humans.' Sally thoughtfully gloats after taking out the two soldiers standing on the watchtower. "Sergeant Hass, I neutralized the enemy humans on Watchtower A. Have you neutralized Watchtower B as well?" Sally clarifies with Antoine through the Communication Headgear. "Affirmative, Sergeant Flannery. We need to kill the floodlights before the Grudgies can create an opening for our brothers and sisters from the 14th N.A Regiment." Antonie replies. "Roger that," Sally says while she aims at the floodlights before shooting them.

With the floodlights no longer operable, it will be easier for the Grudgies to storm the Alpha checkpoint and neutralize every US soldier guarding it. "Good job of killing the lights, Sergeant Flannery. The bio-handlers can fully deploy the Grudgies to attack the safe zone. As for us, we have to secure this entrance until Operation NightStorm ends. Sit tight and be on guard. May the Young Templars' faith be with you." Antonie wishes Sally a good luck message. "You too as well, Sergeant Hass. I will catch you later after the mission operation ends." Sally replies before ending the conversation. As Sally looks at the bridge, a sinister grin appears on her lips as she looks forward to seeing the safe zone fall apart.

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