Chapter 1 -- The other side

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Author notes: Hey readers, Jeremy here. So sorry it took me close to 1 month to publish the next chapter for Hellwave. I was quite busy in real-life during the month of December 2022 and was conducting research on military units, drones and vehicles before writing out this chapter completely. Based on my research conducted so far, I hope that the military unit formation I wrote in this chapter is as accurate as possible when comparing real-life military units around the world. Also, I've created a discord server where you can discuss with me about my fanfics, original fic stories and Hellwave stuff. The discord link is shown below at the end of the chapter. Now enjoy the chapter readers!!

Disclaimer: This is a work of original fiction. Any resemblance to actual locations, characters, events and incidents are purely coincidental.

Chapter 1 -- The other side

Eight months later...

Although both of them reach the safe zone, they are never the same again. Though 1st-Lieutenant Freida adopts Kodey and Erika, they find it difficult to move on, since their mother's death haunts them. With a strong desire to protect his sister, Kodey joined the reformed New York National Guard as a foot soldier. As for Erika, she enrolled herself in farming and first aid courses to help her move on from her mother's death.

House Unit 2-4, Residential District, Grand Isle Safe Zone, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA, 7 November 2020, 0830 hrs

"Kodey, Erika! We need to go now. I still have to drop Erika at the farm center." Eleanora calls out as she stands at the door waiting for them. "Coming, Miss Freida." the two of them reply as they rush across the hallway. "Both of you need to prepare your stuff first before we leave on time. We will get penalised if we are late again." Eleanora warns.

Kodey and Erika nod while looking away from her gaze. Aware that they are having a hard time moving on from their mother's death, Eleanora lets out a sigh before speaking to them. "Kodey, Erika. I know that both of you loved your mother very much, but you two need to accept her death and move on." The Lieutenant comforts them before continuing on. "Hence, I will take care of both of you and please call me mom instead." .

Acknowledged that the Lieutenant spoke the truth, the two Zander kids finally accept their mother's death and move on. Still, they are glad that Lieutenant Freida adopts them and cares for them until their father reunites with them. "Alright, mom. Thank you." They thank the Lieutenant in unison. Glad that her two adopted teenagers finally understood the need to move on, a smile appears on Lieutenant Freida's face. "Good. Time to leave now." Freida opens the door and they depart from their home.

Above Grand Isle Safe Zone, Grand Isle, Vermont, USA, 7 November 2020, 0830 hrs

At the same time, above the safe zone in the air...

A Predator military drone with Young Templars' military markings on it is flying above undetected. The military drone would circle around the safe zone as its camera spies on the buildings and its inhabitants.

Unknown Room, Clinton County Government Centre, Plattsburgh, New York, USA, 7 November 2020, 0832 hrs

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