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It's one thing to speak to your crush on phone, and another to actually relish the idea of a date ahead with them.

He's wearing a white button down shirt, one of his favorites, alongside blue jeans. His knuckles joined together.

Alex stops pacing around as he watches her walk towards him.

The book girl. He notices the purple sweater dress she's wearing. Her hair plaited on one side.

"Joanna," he says as they shake hands lightly.

He needs to get used. Or else he will sound breathless, everytime he says out loud, her name that is.

A look of playfulness plays on his face.

"I am nervous. Like I said, I have never been to one."

Joanna smiles, her eyes twinkling.

"Give it a try.You will like it."

He nods.

"Come on, let's get inside."

The book club has a cozy ambiance, and the laughter and conversation blends naturally with the rustling of pages and the soft murmur of the book enthusiasts.

Alex gestures to a corner table, and Joanna follows with an intrigued smile.

As they settle into their seats, the conversation flows easily, and Alex begins to feel comfortable.

The literary discussions go on, and Alex loosens up, describing his favorite characters and the stories that have captured his imagination.

Joanna's eyes light up as she shares her own literary passions, her infectious enthusiasm evident, across the several debates.

Time seems to melt away as they lose themselves in the conversation with these people.

The book club transforming into a realm of shared interests, newfound connections, and the soothing scent of well-loved books.

As the evening draws closer to the end, they reluctantly push their chairs back, feeling a sense of contentment within.

"Would you like to grab coffee," Alex asks exhaling some air as they exit out of the place.


They engage in easy conversation, their words carrying a subtle undertone of attraction,

Meanwhile stealing fleeting glances and shared smiles with each other.

Their eyes meet everytime across the room and avert, a silent tension simmering, and growing between them.

As they stand on the sidewalk, their first date coming to an end, a sense of warmth and connection stays in the air.

"You know, I tried really really hard," Alex blurts out.

Joanna focuses all her attention on him, intrigued. "I see."

"But I couldn't change my opinion on your book, the Illiad. Even until the last page."

Joanna laughs huskily and his hearts skips a beat at that.

"No worries. You are allowed to dislike something that didn't attune you."

They share a smile and realize it's nearly time to part ways.

Joanna leans closer, kissing Alex on the cheek. Her lips lingering a few second longer.

"Until next time."

His cheeks flush a rosy hue, a surprised yet delighted expression gracing his features.

As she turns and walks away, he watches her retreating figure, his heart fluttering with a mixture of emotions.
He didn't expect to enjoy this so much.

Being with her felt so good, that he would rather not want any of it to end.

The blush lingers as a silent reminder of her warm lips on his cheek.
A memory that would stay with him, long even after the night comes to an end.

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