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I collapse onto the bed, my body aching for rest after a long day of taking care of Luna. The mere thought of finally getting a few hours of uninterrupted sleep brings a genuine smile to my tired face.

But my hopes of some much-needed rest are quickly dashed. Just as I close my eyes stealing the first few seconds of a nap,Luna's cries pierce through the silence.

I groan in exhaustion, barely able to muster the energy to sit up. Just as I contemplate dragging myself out of bed, Alex's warm hand lands gently on my shoulder, causing me to flinch slightly before I register his presence.

"Rest," he murmurs softly, his voice soothing and reassuring.
"I will check on Lu."

I manage a weak nod, my energy levels hitting an all-time low. As Alex rises from the bed and heads over to tend to our six-month-old daughter, I remain lying there, trying to gather whatever strength I have left.

During the course of my pregnancy, Alex and I had an inexplicable feeling that we were going to have a girl.
We were literally so overjoyed when it was confirmed. The thought that we were gonna become the parents of a baby girl.

We eagerly prepared the room, buying the cutest little clothes and making all the arrangements to welcome her into our lives.

The subject of names came up several times, and after a back-and-forth between Alex's suggestion of Naomi and my casual mention of Lucy.
It striked both our heads, as we both said "Luna", the same time.

And now, here she is,
Luna Wilson, our baby girl, the light in our lives.

As Alex returns to the room, Luna safely cradled in his arms, my heart swells with joy at the sight.

The sight of my daughter nestled in her father's embrace can never get enough for me.

Luna, in her dad's arms.

It's the safest place in the world for her.

"You brought her here," I groan playfully, my voice tinged with exhaustion.

Alex chuckles and settles down comfortably on the bed, placing Luna gently on his stomach.

The two engage in a sweet and playful interaction, Luna responding with adorable coos that tug at my heartstrings.

My hazy fatigue starts to lift as I inch closer to them, yearning for their presence to rejuvenate me.

"I can't sleep," I complain, a mixture of exhaustion and contentment in my voice.

"Put her back in the crib," I  demand, knowing full well that Alex won't comply.

"Absolutely not," he retorts with a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

He makes a silly face, and Luna responds with an endearing coo.

Their interaction manages to bring a genuine smile to my face.

Despite my tiredness, I scoot closer to my husband and our daughter.

Alex's voice breaks through, rich with emotion, and I feel my heart skip a beat. "Look, Jo," he says tenderly. "I love you."

My heart flutters at his words, even as a playful grin tugs at his lips.

"But Lu's my favorite girl in the world. No competition right there," he adds, his eyes dancing with mirth.

I pretend to be taken aback, my eyes widening in exaggerated shock. I shoot him a playful glance, attempting to mask the smile that threatens to emerge.

"Bold of you to assume I'm jealous," I retort, my fingers brushing Luna's soft cheek.

Her gentle sounds fill the air, and I can't help but feel a surge of love for both of them.

"Luna's my favorite girl in the world," I affirm, my voice soft and heartfelt.

"No competition out there, sorry Alex," I tease, winking in his direction.

He leans in, his lips meeting mine in a gentle, loving kiss.

"You look so sexy in these dresses, Jo. Damn how do I control myself," he says huskily.

I give him a mock stern look, a twinkle in my eyes,

"You can't kiss me in front of our newborn, Alex"

My tone shifts to a more serious note.

"And no inappropriate comments either."

His laughter fills the room as he mouths the word "inappropriate," a mischievous glint in his eyes that warms my heart.

Stroking Luna's soft hair, Alex continues,

"I can definitely kiss your mom, right baby?"

Luna responds with a happy sound, her tiny thumb in her mouth, and I can't help but feel a rush of happiness at the sigh, and just a slight tinge of envy.

"Daddy's girl," I chime in.

"Both of you teaming up against me, I see," I playfully accuse, my voice light.

As if on cue, Alex leans closer, capturing my lips in a deep and passionate kiss that sends a wave of emotions through me, tugging at my heartstrings.

He then places a gentle kiss on the top of our daughter's head.

"My girls," he murmurs lovingly, his arms enveloping me as he pulls me close, the other arm resting protectively around Luna.

I close my eyes. The most beautiful smile on my face evident, to whoever might see us, in this moment.

I am the happiest woman in the world. Nested beside the love of my lives, My husband and our daughter.

- just everything I could ever ask for.

THE END . . . .

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