ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - 34

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The car comes to a stop, and I get out, moving swiftly to Joanna's side. My emotions are a whirlwind, an unpredictable storm that I can't seem to control.

"Come out, Joanna," I demand, my voice sharp with frustration and anxiety.

She shakes her head, denying my request, irritating me further.

"Come out," I repeat, my voice laced with an edge of anger. I open the door and grab her arm, pulling her out forcefully.

"Don't touch me!" She shouts, her tone cutting through the air like a knife. I'm momentarily taken aback by the intensity of her response.

She walks towards our home  and unlocks the door, walking away towards the hall. I follow, my heart racing, my mind a mess of emotions.

"What were you thinking, Alex? Hitting him like that?," Her voice rises, concern in her eyes.

What was I thinking ?

"What if he files a lawsuit against you?"

"All I saw was his hands on you !," I shout my over frayed nerves.

"How did you know where I was?" Joanna asks. "How did you know where to find me, Alex?"

I hesitate for a moment.

"I... tracked your phone. I had my suspicions for a while."

"You were snooping around my phone. That's so despicable, Alex," she says through gritted teeth, her tone condescending.

A bitter, mirthless laugh escapes my lips, and I can feel the pain churning in my stomach.

"Staying out late past midnight and flirting with other men, it isn't despicable to you?," I retort angrily.

"You have no right on me, not when you never acknowledge me," Joanna retorts, and begins to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I ask, my voice wavering with desperation and anger.

"I'm tired," she replies, her gaze averted, avoiding my eyes.

"Don't you dare walk away from me," I shout, my frustration and hurt boiling over. Her eyes widen in response, with defiance.

"Who is he, Jo?" I ask, my voice heavy with the pain that's been gnawing at me. I stumble over the words, my voice faltering.

She glances down, her gaze troubled.

"Jason Walker, one of my coworkers at the firm," she finally admits, her voice tinged with resignation.

"Why were you there?" I press, unable to hold back my desperation to understand.

"You know why I was there. You caught me," Joanna responds, her voice barely a whisper as she avoids my gaze.

"You didn't do anything more than kissing .....right?" I ask, my voice strained, my heart clenching with each word.

She purses her lips, and her silence is enough to confirm my darkest fears.

"What do you think, Alex?" She says, her words carrying the weight of her unspoken guilt.

"There was no work party tonight? Was it?" I question, my disbelief and hurt mixing in my voice.

"No, I lied," she confesses, her voice laden with no remorse.

"You went to meet him," I state, a bitter laugh escaping me as I struggle to comprehend this.

"You lied to your husband to meet another man, this late," I continue, the pain and anger intertwining in my words.

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